Hawk attack, back of neck


Mar 6, 2016
Spring Hope, NC
This happened earlier today while i was at work.
Currently inside
Sprayed wound with Vetericyn
Gave Nutri-drench directly (also put some in water, but she has not drank any)
Has eaten a small amount of feed from my hand, also a very little bit of scrambled egg.

Is wound too deep?
Any and all advice is appreciated!
Do not want her to suffer, but would love to save her.

Working on getting better photos
Pretty nasty wound. Can you try to sew the wound up? I know it's hard to do, I've done it before, it helps to have someone hold it while you sew. Not to close stiching....needs to drain. I use a glovers needle and cotton thread. Furicin(sp) or a sulfa powder (wound powder) will help heal the wound. TSP usually carries Furicin and wound powder, it's in the equine section. HTH Best Wishes
You are doing a good job with the Vetericyn for the wound, and giving NutriDrench along with feeding and watering her. These wounds can heal fine, as long as she doesn't have internal injuries. I would not stitch the wound. It should fill in eventually. You are fortunate that she was not killed. My polish hen was decapitated by 2 hawks last year when one forced her into a chainlink fence, while the other got on the other side and torn her head off. Please keep us up to date on how she is doing.
If she is alert, moving her extremities, and eating/drinking, it does not sound like her spinal cord was involved. Deep wounds can heal in several weeks. Keeping it clean and watching for infection (redness, swelling, pus, foul odor) is key to her survival. Plain neosporin ointment can be used to keep the tissue from drying out. If pus is seen, clean it with saline or antiseptic. Offer treats of chopped egg, liver or tuna, and her usual feed, plus keeping her drinking to heal. Good luck.
She has not stopped drinking water, and sometimes she throws it back up.
Just a minute ago she took a deep breath and then when she exhaled it made a gargling sound.

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