Hawk attack, back of neck

I tried the antibiotic ointment with mine, but it would just ooze off. Maybe dust it after with some type of powder... just thinking :)
This just happened to me yesterday! (but I posted in the predators section) I'm so sorry--you seem like you're doing a great job so far. Scary, huh? My girl's neck wound looks almost exactly like this. I have a kind of dumb question: what's the best way to remove the feathers around the wound. It seems like plucking them would put undue stress on her.

I hope she's still doing ok!
This just happened to me yesterday! (but I posted in the predators section) I'm so sorry--you seem like you're doing a great job so far. Scary, huh? My girl's neck wound looks almost exactly like this. I have a kind of dumb question: what's the best way to remove the feathers around the wound. It seems like plucking them would put undue stress on her.

I hope she's still doing ok!

I just got through reading your post! I was trying to figure out how to share the link to this thread, to yours hoping some of this info would help you. Im pretty sure ours was a Coopers Hawk as well. I was at work. My husband was home and outside when it happened. As far as the feathers, I'm obviously no expert, but we plucked the ones right near the wound, and just trim the others with scissors so they wouldn't keep irritating the area. I know plucking them sounds painful but I didn't know how else to do it. I held her while my husband did it, we just tried to do it fast.
I don't think we are out of the woods with her yet, but she's hanging in there! Good luck to you!
Antibiotics are usually not necessary in most of these wounds. There are not too many choices available over the counter. Do you have any on hand? Feed stores only sell injectable procaine penillin G for wounds. You could obtain some oral ones from a vet if needed. I would use plain neosporin triple antibiotic ointment on her wounds, and clean them with saline or weak betadine if you see pus or any changes in the wound. Bruises may make the surrounding skin green.

The only antibiotic I have on hand is Amoxicillin (the doctor prescribed when my husband was bit by a dog) Not sure if chickens can have that?
Sounds like for now I need to just keep doing what I have been. Thanks so much!
Amoxicillin can be given to chickens 250-300mg daily. For a 5 pound chicken 250 mg would be the dose--divide that into 2 doses 125 mg in the morning and in the evening. What size is the amoxicillin you have, and how much does the hen weigh? If you have 500 mg capsules, you can mix them into something like yogurt, and divide it into 4 doses.
Amoxicillin can be given to chickens 250-300mg daily. For a 5 pound chicken 250 mg would be the dose--divide that into 2 doses 125 mg in the morning and in the evening. What size is the amoxicillin you have, and how much does the hen weigh? If you have 500 mg capsules, you can mix them into something like yogurt, and divide it into 4 doses.
I think they are 825mg ( I'll check when I get home) She seems to be doing fine. Eating, drinking, poop is normal, and she laid another egg today (3 eggs since saturday) and they have all been perfectly normal as well. Would it hurt to give her antibiotic just to be safe? Or should I wait?

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