How can I treat water belly in ducks naturally?

I feel very overwhelmed & I don't know what to do. I'm crying. Every day I wake up & have to check if he is still alive. The antibiotics the vet prescribed haven't worked. I just want him to be ok. He is still living his life, but sometimes I feel sick to my stomach of the possibility of him not be alive.

I lost 1 of my other ducks last year in August because of neurological issues & the same vet that prescribed this one antibiotics. In my opinion I don't think they know what they are doing & feels like a waste of time going over there. I told both vets I think it's water belly but they both said it's not. The only way I found out is because 1 of them drained yellow liquid from his stomach.
I know it's tough, :hugs we get very attached and it's heartbreaking to see them suffering. 💔 But sometimes the kindest thing we can do is have them put down.

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