Please, I need your opinions! What would you do?

Nice e-mail...
hope like heck that you get them back!
am I missing something that everyone else seem to see??

how do we know they didnt get loose or lost or taken from them in the first place???

Honestly; I'm really tired right now, maybe I am not seeing please if it was said that she knows they were dumped..
please tell me..cuz I'm really not reading that...

like I said in my first post; MAYBE they were lost or taken from them etc..maybe they were gone missing for a while and they were looking for them
and when they seen the pups in your yard they had * found * them??

I dont know...All I know, is our dogs had fleas EXTREMELY SEVERELY bad after being lost for a week 1/2!!!
Never ever ever give a child an animal without speaking with the parent first no matter what the story is. If the parent would have come to me I would have told them I found the pups, took them in, cared for, fed and treated them for severe fleas for two full weeks and they were not welcome to have any of them.
I'm guessing that she already accepted your friend request on FB? If not, she may not know who you are and won't accept your request...therefore, not getting the email.

I hope you get the pup back--but going to her face to face might work better, cash in hand-it's harder for someone to say no when you're waving some green in their face
I agree! Should have sent them home empty handed and told them to have their parents come back. I hope you get him back!

This also gets me wondering if the parents even KNOW that they came and got the puppy. You should most definitely go over there...that puppy may just be stuffed under another shed somewhere else
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You aren't missing anything.

However, I think the problem here is that these are kids coming around asking without a grownup with them. OP doesn't know if they truly owned the dogs or had found them and "adopted" them, keeping them outside without parental knowledge/consent. I wouldn't give a dog back to kids who came on their own TWO weeks after the dogs went missing (and these are neighbors, not people who lived a distance away). If someone loses puppies and doesn't go asking around about them (or posting fliers, etc) for two weeks then those people aren't very responsible pet owners.

Also there's the issue of the condition of the puppies. These aren't grown dogs that may have escaped or run off. In that situation you'd expect them to be dirty, have fleas, etc. But little puppies can't get very far on their own anyway and they can easily become very anemic and die from flea infestations.

These puppies were found on her property and without any id tags or anything there's no proof that these kids are, in fact, the owners. Not to mention that there's evidence of neglect here. Had they come to her within a reasonable time after they had "lost" them and with a parent then that might be one thing. I think keeping them is in their best interest.

Please keep us updated. If she does not accept your friend request or see your email I would definitely go see her in person. Offer cash. Whatever you pay to get that pup will be returned to you many many times over in the form of years of loving companionship!
She did not know they were dumped, but she did know they were neglected (flea infestation, emaciated, etc). So whether or not the pups were abandoned is irrelevant.
O.K., firstly, if you give a domestic animal that you found as a stray ANY type of medical care, it legally belongs to you-----at least that's the law where I'm at.

Secondly, if the shelter had picked up the puppies when you first found them, they most likely would have been euthanised by the time the kids had come around (you stated you had had them for 2 weeks-----the shelters in my area either euthanise or put up for adoption any animal brought in as a stray after 3 days).

And thirdly, I would never give an animal back to someone if it was in such horrible shape from their lack of care----besides, how do you know those kids actually owned the puppies to begin with? When I was in the 5th grade, a puppy showed up at my school just before recess. When I went in from recess, I told my teacher that it was my puppy and had followed me to school (I was a "walker"). The teacher actually gave me 10 min. to take the puppy back to my house-----and that's what I did and we kept it.

My younger sister and I also once went to a neighbor's house whose dog had had puppies and told them our parents said we could each pick out a puppy to take home. We picked them out, took the pups home, and kept them in the attic for a couple of weeks before telling our parents-------we had to take those ones back. So I know kids can and will lie about something like this.

Too bad Hubby gave the pup to the kids----good luck.
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Would never have returned them,because owner or not they did not care for the animals.For all that time they could have been dead.Where was the kids/parents the day they lost the pups?I would have been at all neighbors mentioning the lost pups the DAY I lost them.

Hope the pup will be ok in their lame hands.

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