eBay Silkie Hatch along Plus others

Alright so the blue columbian brahma, Crevecoeur and new batch of silkie eggs got here. Should be getting the blue brassyback rosecomb eggs Saturday.

On the blue columbian brahma I received the six I bid on and six dark brahma as well because she didn't have extra of the blue columbian. So 12 brahma eggs, 18 silkie eggs, 8 Crevecoeur eggs and 24 blue brassyback rosecomb eggs. I still have an order out for more blue columbian brahma and I'm looking for either silver laced polish or chamois Spitzhauben eggs.

Will need to move the current eggs over to the NR360 for hatching as soon as I can. I usually let my shipped eggs rest for nearly 3 days before setting them and Monday is day 16 for the current eggs in the incubator.

Will be candeling tomorrow to see if any more have quit and need to come out.
Your chicken math skills are in overdrive, but we do live in Texas, go big or go home :lau
All four of the silkie eggs that went into lockdown hatched but only two of the Crevecoeur made it through hatching. The two eggs that didn't pip showed no movement when I candled them after removing all the other babies. I opened them and the heads where not at the air cell end so I think they suffocated. :(
The babies!
Four blue cream silkies and two Crevecoeur.
On the next sets of eggs that are in the incubator! I have candled them and pull clears and blood rings.

Pulled five of the eight Crevecoveur, four of the 18 silkies, two of the dark brahma, one of the blue columbian brahma, and 12 of the 32 blue brassyback rosecomb.

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