
  1. kanami

    my hen dropped dead :(

    i was at work today, went on my break to see one of my younger siblings texted me from home saying one of our chickens wasn’t responding, i called and they were freaking out. so my mother went outside and was digging a hole in the yard when in her peripheral vision she saw a bird just hit the...
  2. Aki no niwatori

    1 week old sebright chick experiencing problems after pastybut issues.

    Hullo, I am having issues with one of my chicks. After treating an issue with pasty but I checked on one of the chicks and the vent appears inflamed and reddend on one spot. I believe it could be from the other chicks but im not sure and of course i am concerned. I did treat the affected chick...
  3. T

    Panting while laying, taking over an hour - first egg. Normal?

    UPDATE!! Nevermind, she laid her first egg and is fine now!! Whew! Do hens gape or pant when laying an egg? I don’t usually see our other 2 laying, so this is still new to me. But my 9mos old Welbar is currently separated from the others this past week, partly because my young roo has zero’d...
  4. D

    Is it normal for my duck’s vent to be open?

  5. warmnfluffy

    Chicken is egg bound or severely constipated pleas help!!!!!

    My chicken ginger looks to be egg bound and hasn't layer anything in 2 days I've been checking on her but today here health declined severely and now she is gasping for air. I feel like I've tried everything to help her pass the egg but nothing has worked. The reason i think it also could be...
  6. Greystone farm

    Duck vent is dirty and weird

    Hi! My one year old Welsh Harlequin duck Layla’s vent looks really strange and gross. It’s almost like there’s stuff right inside of it radiating around it (it’s isn’t protruding abnormally I just gently pulled around it so you could see in the picture). It looks like greenish chunks but I don’t...
  7. A

    Vent Prolapse (that corrects itself?) & Involuntary Diarrhea

    One of my hens’ vent was prolapsed a little bit. I separated her from the flock, gave her an epsom salt bath, and manually put things back where they belong. I have been spraying Vetericyn on her vent daily. But when I pick her up, she strains, poops on herself, and her vent prolapses a little...
  8. C

    Egg bound? Pasty butt? Prolapse vent?

    Hey all, not sure what’s wrong with my little silkie. I noticed her struggling & straining to poop with very little to none coming out. She is running and eating but the straining concerned me. I brought her in and gave her an epsom soak bath, cleaned poop away & trimmed around her vent. Got...
  9. J

    Having a Rooster Emergency with hard poop stuck to/crusted in his vent area need help! pasty butt?

    hello there guys, so the title says it all here in this case, last couple days now about four i noticed my rooster has had hard time pooping which he never does he was making straining sounds too while he does go and had runny diarrhea like poops but they looked normal other wise. I believe he...
  10. B

    Hen prolapsed vent and possible necrosis? Please help. Any advice appreciated.

    Our two year ISA Brown, Maple, has come down with a prolapsed vent. I didn’t notice it yesterday, so I think it must be relatively new. She is still moving about, wanting to eat, and acting like her normal self. We have soaked her bottom in hot water, but after cleaning her up noticed some hard...
  11. Mariakoltsa

    Prolapse and ..? Is it gleet ?? No smell. pictures

    Hi! My very first prolapse with my chicken. Noticed one day after being away for 5 days, that my otherwise always healthy chicken Oopsie has a dirty bum. Grabbed her guessing she has worms but had a nasty prolapse covered in something. I thought it was poop but now im not sure. I decided to use...
  12. D

    Vent/butt bleeding from excessive pecking.. help!

    These two turkey chicks had their vents absolutely destroyed by their turkey-chick-mates! Where do I even start? I separated them from others. I got the bleeding to stop with blood quick stopper. Now what?
  13. G

    Jersey Giant Butt Feathers Missing

    Hi everyone, My Jersey Giant has missing feathers below her vent and her skin is blue with some sores. I have a few other hens with feathers missing below their vents, but their skin is healthy and I attribute that to their good egg laying. This jersey giant is otherwise healthy. I’ve posted a...
  14. NubbyRyuu

    My Leilei laid Two First Eggs

    Not seeing this pop up on the Already Asked thing, and I'm not getting answers from people I follow, so here I am. My Leilei is a 5mo SilkiexBarbu Cross who I've confirmed laid 2 first eggs as opposed to 1. How I confirmed was I saw her poop and I thought her vent had prolapsed! I quickly...
  15. MyISAbrownhens

    Prolapse from animal attack

    Yesterday something got our flock during the day. I believe if was a fox or coyote. It took one hen, and the other is slightly injured. The animal seemed to have grabbed her tail, and ripped our all of her tail feathers. In addition, her vent looks prolapsed, and I’ve only attempted to push it...
  16. K

    Baby chick has a prolapse or extended vent?

    Hi there, I have a 4-week old barred rock chick (along with 24 other chicks) and they have all been thriving until yesterday I heard this baby chick screaming for help and all her siblings were attacking her vent. I can't tell if it's a prolapse or just swollen or what the issue is? I've...
  17. M

    Vent issue or normal?

    Goof morning. I noticed bloody stool in the run yesterday while I was doing my daily clean up. I noticed some dried blood on my girl Katie this morning (no more bloody stool that I noticed today). I soaked her in a Epsom salt bath and cleaned her vent area and noticed the lip of her vent...
  18. Greystone farm

    Dried poop or mites of some sort?

    Penny, my blind duckling, has little whitish spots around her vent. Is it just dried poop or mites/eggs of some sort? Thanks
  19. chickmamat

    Please help! Muscovy Prolapse vent/rectum

    Muscovy hen. Photo attached. Age is unknown, seems in good health aside from the protrusion. I’ve read the other threads, but hers looks different than any photos I’m finding. I noticed one of the duck eggs had a little blood on it a few days ago but didn’t think much of it, since the...
  20. C

    Tumor on rooster’s vent?

    My silkie roo Dino is 13 months old and I found this near his vent today… any idea what it could be?
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