Divided Chicken Coop?

I built one like that a while back. Will have to get pics. It's like 16 ft long by 6 ft deep. It has two human doors on the front and two pop doors on the rear. I just divided it down the middle with chicken wire inside, so that at some point I needed one large coop all I have to do is take the wire down. I have just had to move it and now is partly against the back of a barn, so I just cut another pop hole in the front of one side. I use one side as my grow out pen and have my tolbunt polish on the other side for now.
I may have a bully in my flock (not sure if it is just a reaction to the broody hen getting special treatment) and will have some eggs hatching soon. I may have to split my current coop in half and add a separate run. Did you notice any stress with the chickens able to see each other but not able to get to each other.

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