Rooster Boast Post


Sep 26, 2022
I just have to report… moved 4x7week old and 4 x4 week olds out to the brooder in the coop. Used the look but dont touch method to introduce them to everyone. The ROOSTER has been a KING … I’ve watched him drag hens away from the babies when the hens want to peck at them. I’ve watched him corral them at night so they go into the coop. They are his babies, but he only just met them. I dont think he knows they are his offspring at all - he just knows they are in his charge and he has STEPPED UP big time. Im so impressed with him. Of course he still attacks ME… but… he’s doing an excellent job of protecting the flock young and old and we have a lot of predators so i will do my best to leave him in his charge and feed and water when he’s out in the extended pasture. Now the chicks are fully integrated!


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These are the predators: hawks of all kinds. Skunk, raccoon, coyote, mountain lion, bear, bob cats, dogs, fox, cats, rattlesnakes, rat snakes, gopher snakes. So far i have not lost ONE of my flock from a predator. I totally ascribe this to my wonderful rooster.

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