straining and chirping during defecation

Thanks for that, I'm feeling rested now!

Keep us posted abanjaf! Let us know how they are!

I'll change their water now and try the molasses, I have some. It won't hurt the others, from what i'm understanding? Should I give them molasses in water for 24 hours and monitor?

firedove, I noticed your chicks include Blue Laced Red Wyandottes! That's what our first set is, too (We add more varieties in 2 weeks...) They came from MMH. I look forward to when they look as cute as your 2 1/2 week olds!
We also have one who is smaller, that is the one I'm monitoring here...
Well, the brooder temp has been adjusted to have a warmer space of 95 degrees, sometimes down to 90-93 in that spot, and then a cooler area ranging from 85-90 degrees so that they can cool off if need be. Sound good? Yes, ITA that the shipping (from McMurray's, and we live in British Columbia, Canada) may have caused many fluctuations along the way. The little chick-pea is certainly eating well and drinking, active, sleeps etc. Fingers crossed!

I did pick it off the first time that way.
You know what? The gal who ordered them into the local Co-Op *told* me to do that! She said, "I do it like taking off a band-aid, and it may pull fluff with it (pooh) but then the vent will be not so fluffy and pooh won't stick to it anymore." Going on her advice, and seeing it squirm as I did this, that was the first and last time. (She does raise MANY chicks to layers, and may not be as well, bonded to hers, I guess. Seemed harsh to me after trying that.)

Then I used a warm soft cloth! Rubbed what I could to loosen it, but a piece in the vent is stubborn and won't loosen. But the chick is passing poop, hopefully well enough.

i'm nervous to try the water thing, so, over the bathroom sink? Hold firmly? They wiggle so much!

Thanks to all of you helping us!
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The area of 95 degrees sounds fine for Week 1. Areas of different temps within brooder sound OK to me; I welcome comments from others. Just watch for panting/wing spreading (too hot), or bunching up/twittering/butting up beneath each other (too cold).

Yeah, they wiggle a bit, but you can hold them in a "claw" so they can wiggle but not get away.

There are a few unpleasant past posts in the forum reporting that folks have actually removed skin and/or caused internal damage (intestinal tract pulling out) in young chicks by pulling on pasted poo. Not something I would want to confirm the hard way.

Good luck, and do let us know how things work out.
Now the wee babe is pecking it's bum often, eating a bit less and trying to sleep. Sigh.

I hope some polysporin helps; I'm off to the store for that!

I feel stressed, but am trying not to take it personally. I'm not a hen, YK? I'm great at *human* babies, lol! This is a learning curve, for sure.

I will try to help it as much as I can with the polysporin.
To hold the chicks for cleaning under the faucet, I slip my hand underneath them, so their little legs can dangle through my fingers, but their body is supported. I have their head toward me and their vent away from me. I usually reach from the side of the chick, with two fingers to the front of the legs and two fingers to the back of the legs. I put my thumb over their back and they are good to go. They're usually good for me.
Autumn Mama, all my chicks went on molasses water for a few days in the beginning. Only 6 had pasty butt. The ones that did not were unaffected by the molasses as far as I could tell. They are growing up healthy still even having had the molasses for a few days early on.
BTW Autumn Mama, yes I got my BLRWs from McMurray as well. I've heard good things about MM Wyandottes but I am told that their BLRs are lacking in type. That is a common problem with BLRWs anyways.

My smallest chick is a BLRW as well. He or she is tiny and looks to be more barred than laced which is weird. I'm guessing it's just poor lacing but maybe it will get better after a molt. I am concerned about it's overall health though. It's feisty and eats and drinks fine but it shivers sometimes even under the light and it has barely grown compared to the others. I'm afraid one of these days it will just start fading. I hope it makes it despite my concerns
Thanks for all of the suggestions. You've all been tremendously supportive.

Firedove, I may try it tomorrow. Currently they are drinking ACV in their water, and I'm hoping it won't upset the little one's digestion further to do a 360 degree turn to using molasses!

I have aloe vera gel on stand by, to dip it's bum into for the rawness, though the picking of it's own bottom (by itself-no others did this) has drastically diminished.

It is the only chick with a pasty issue at all, and is still perky, eating, pooping, drinking better and then of course crashing out after the excitement of eating a first bit of hard cooked egg yolk.

*(I chose to do this because it was suggested as a great way for a sick, undersized chick to perk up and put on some weight...otherwise, it seems a little odd to give egg, not sure what side of the fence I'm on yet with that one!!!)*
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What does 'lacking in type' mean? Purity of the breed? (Says I who knows nothing about breeding....yet!!!)

I hope your littlest starts to thrive!
i hope mine does too.

Huge hugs to anyone who is dealing with overwhelm and worry, with regard to their wee chooks.

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