straining and chirping during defecation

"lacking in type" means that they do not conform well to the body structure that the Wyandotte breed should have. I've heard there coloration can be nice, although McMurray does sell quite a few very light ones. You won't be able to tell how nice their lacing will be until after they molt out when they are older.

I personally cannot wait until my little chickies grow up. Don't get me wrong, I love it when they are little, but I'm looking forward even more to when they are in their adult feathers and I can see their true beauty!

I hope your little chickie thrives as well. We were extremely worried about the little one when it first came so we used to take it out and give it extra water and a handful of chick starter to peck at by itself so it wouldn't get pushed around by the other chicks for a change. If this little chickie turns out to be a pullet and survives to adult stage, I will keep her and her name will be Flame. She is so sweet and tame. She loves to sit in my hand and lay her head on my chest. I'm gonna go with calling it a she from now on just as positive thinking

at least if our little ones don't make it we will know that we tried our best and loved them while they were here, but we will think positively, the chicks will grow up just fine!
Help!! I have this same issue and my 12 day Old makes a dolphin sound while passing a stool. It looks perfectly normal, but she only gets little bits out at a time. Any ideas?!
Help!! I have this same issue and my 12 day Old makes a dolphin sound while passing a stool. It looks perfectly normal, but she only gets little bits out at a time. Any ideas?!
Welcome to BYC! Pasty butt, dehydration and/or coccidiosis can cause this. Have you checked its butt for stuck on poop?

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