Official BYC Poll: Do You Wear a Mask or Respirator When Cleaning Your Coop?

Do you wear a mask or respirator when cleaning your coop?

  • Yes - Everytime I'm in the coop!

    Votes: 40 5.6%
  • Yes - Only when doing a deep clean

    Votes: 160 22.5%
  • Yes - Whenever I scoop or scrape off the poop board

    Votes: 42 5.9%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 81 11.4%
  • I used to, but I don't anymore

    Votes: 13 1.8%
  • No - Never

    Votes: 217 30.5%
  • No - Is that something I'm supposed to do????

    Votes: 133 18.7%
  • Other - Please elaborate

    Votes: 25 3.5%

  • Total voters
Just got chickens, but probably should wear a mask when cleaning (at least deep cleaning). I have bad bad allergies to the outdoors as it is. Don't need that dusty stuff going into my lungs too!
So sorry to hear about your allergies.
I had similar allergies to outdoors, but it has been cured out permanently, how?
With a 3 month herbal tea cure .
My allergies came from my kidneys ( most allergies does…)
Drinking enough water sometimes it’s not enough; needs a bit more; and here comes the solution:
One month of Equisetum Arvense ( field horsetail) tea, about one liter per day, before meals.
Second month Galium Aparine ( cleavers) tea, same one liter/day
And the third month Betulaceae ( birch three leaves) tea. About 500ml a day- a bit bitter taste, but mixing some horsetail herb in it will remove all bitterness.

Don’t have much time explaining in much details how these awesome herbs work, but just briefly: horse tail tea doing the “ opening cleaning” of the kidneys; stressed kidneys “ can finally breathe” , also effectively heals kidney cysts…
The second month cleavers, improove the lymphatic system…
Third month birch leaves tea gently but effectively clears sand/stones from kidneys.

Afte these cures done no more allergies, ever…

In actual situation if you apply some menthol/camphor/eucalyptus gel/cream ; rub your nostrills before going outdoor; this will relive at least 80% allergic sympthoms.
Sorry for bad English.
I rarely wear a mask when I clean because I just forget to. But every time I'm in the process of cleaning the coop, I tell myself, "I should have worn a mask. Next time I'll wear one." But the next time comes around, and I don't do it. I usually cough for a little while afterwards that same day, and then I'm fine.
I should probably wear a mask...
View attachment 3746024

We all know how much dust those birds can create, so I'm just wondering who wears some kind of respiratory protection when they are in and around the coop - and when!

Have you had any issues from not wearing a mask?

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I definitely wear an N95 if Im going to town cleaning out the coop. Im afraid what may grow in my lungs if I don’t. Too much poop dust and dirt flying around in there with the sweeping and the scraping.
I definitely wear an N95 if Im going to town cleaning out the coop. Im afraid what may grow in my lungs if I don’t. Too much poop dust and dirt flying around in there with the sweeping and the scraping.
I haven’t had any issues with the masking. Throw it on do what i need to and get out and take it off
I don't mess with wirh the cleaning when it's windy and I am going to possibly deal with powdery poop. That is the only worry I have. I have had my kids throw clothes in the floor and not say anything about dog poo. To afraid they would have to clean up after THEIR DOGS. Went to puck clothes up and shake the dirt out from then walking on then and refusing yo clean only to put powder dog poo in the air. .with COPD PLUS THAT I GET REALLY sick. So what ever precautions I take inside I take outside. I use a cat scoop to clear out poop in the coop. If I am going to have to really get in there the. I where gloves. If it's a deep clean I will dampen the area to prevent poo dust...the run area I will clean up atleasr 1 time a day like you would after a dog ..if not 2x a day. It's gonna be fertilizer fir plants any way.
My husband takes care of the coop and the covered run :celebrate. He had a quadruple heart bypass in 2019 so he always wears gloves and a mask while cleaning the coop. Not sure if you would call it deep litter method or not. Once a month he scrapes off and takes out the top layer of pine shavings. Ours will be 1 yr. old on the 18th of this month. So yearly deep clean is coming up in a couple of months.
View attachment 3746024

We all know how much dust those birds can create, so I'm just wondering who wears some kind of respiratory protection when they are in and around the coop - and when!

Have you had any issues from not wearing a mask?

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I don’t wear a mask every time I go into the coop to feed or pick eggs. However, when I’m changing bedding or removing buildup of soil and shavings, I wear a mask. It’s just too much dust for me and I worry about inhaling some sort of organism. I have lung issues anyway. I sure don’t want to make it worse.
My policy is if I let the chickens live there, I should be able to breathe fine in there.
Edited to note:
I mostly spot clean, though, so it never gets that bad.
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I dont wear a mask. Bible tells me only to cover my face if I am sick....if i am sick im probably not cleaning the coop. I do take precautions- i dont stir up dust and particles , i step away and take breaks... so far no problems ❤️🐔🙏🌷🥚🐣
Can you list the passage? I'm agnostic, but have always been intrested in religion and would love to see that. It gets into earlier humans knowledge of germs, and that sounds super cool! Thanks!
i had a renal transplant in 2016. since then i am forbidden to keep birds (and cats, no loss)
before then i would wear a cartridge mask when cleaning out the litter. had deep litter / no run system
if i was ever to be cleared by my physician then yes definitely i would wear a n5? mask all the time near the birds
all the best
mark, canberra

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