skin problems in ducks?


Jul 2, 2016
besides having wet feather and losing feathers, one of the ducks has a bit of scaly/dry skin where i can actually see it. he still has down where most of his feathers came out but theres a patch on his neck and a small patch on his wing where i can see skin. and it isnt all the skin, but some of it is red and scabby
can ducks even have skin problems?
also unrelated but i think he stepped on a bee like can i even do anything about that

**edit** some of the redness on his neck is where caruncle formed after something healed i think but idk abt his wing still
also, is it possible for them to rip their little feet scales off? bc he might have done that actually
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ive never seen any bugs on either of them, but i did spray them with the mannapro mite spray until it ran out
im thinking at this point that it could be internal parasites but everything ive found about deworming ducks has been either vague or contradictory
gonna bump this and also say that we're calling a vet tomorrow but we dont really have the funds atm to take them so like any advice rn is lovely
i onlt have the two drakes, no chickens, and they have constant access to both a pool and a creek

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