Very red swollen chicken butt - pictures

My girl is fine, her hinney is still fire engine red but she is out/about, laying eggs and acting normal. Some of the other girls are now getting the same thing just not as severe and I think they are ALL molting, feathers everywhere and they look ratty.
Be sure you are examining them thoroughly. I thought I was by lifting their tails, looking around the vent area and under the wings. Saw nothing. I had seen no evidence of worms and yet they continued to appear poopy-bottomed and were beginning to lose weight. Then I put on gloves and spread the fluff an inch or two BELOW their vent - the matted-together, poopy area I wouldn't touch with bare hands - and my poor babies had LICE. I felt SO bad! Fortunately, I had Seven dust on hand and I dusted their bums one by one. They got immediate relief but I was also able to see that the feather shafts below the vent were covered in nits (lice eggs). It looks like white poo if you don't look closely. I will retreat after it has been 10 days to kill the newly hatched nasties.
The red slightly swollen areas around the vent sound like they have mites. Lavender oil diluted in water, about 5 ml per gallon would do, sprayed around coop, dusting area, leaned nesting boxes, a little on the chickens will take care of the mites as well as help with the irritated areas on the hens. It will not hurt them and is effective for most if not all mites, lice, fleas, and ticks in most areas. The other option could be a water pocket, is it soft? Or hard? And no a hen will not lay when egg bound and if not treated will die within days.
My girls had exactly this a while back and it turned out to be lice. It took many inspections before I actually started to see lice and by then the infestation was pretty intense - I felt really bad about it but it was pretty easy to clear up with a little persistence. Hope your gals get better!
My Barred Rock girl has had this same issue for several months now. I asked around and most thought it could be lice or mites. I bought the powder they recommended - basically sevin dust - and have been treating her bum with it. I have also been sprinkling it around the coop. She is still laying. None of my other girls have it - different breeds. It looks so uncomfortable. Nothing seems to help or change. I'm worried.
For one week I have been watching one of our barred rock's bottom continue to swell and is fire engine red. She has not been laying eggs but i think that it is due to the shorter days. I have observed her behaviors and she has seemed normal until tonight. The temperature is 19 degrees I placed the heating lamp into their coop. I think I may have given her too much cooked corn. :( Would that have clogged her rectum? She does not look well now. Her breathing is labored and her eyes are at half-mast. In addition, she is not on the perch with the other three hens .

please advise..


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