Indian runner duck?.

Hi new to this forum (and any forum!) Desperate for answers as picking up our indian runner duckling tomorrow. Have an adult (female) indian runner and wondering if they should get on OK? I am driving 2 hours to pick 3 day old up and wondering if it will be ok without heat lamp (heaters in car on full blast) what heat lamp to buy and food? Any info will be much appreciated. Have never had duckling before. Thank you
@runners r 4 me Welcome to BYC What are your temps like? you said your going to have heater in car going full blast? well as long as there is no wind blowing over them they should be okay put a nice soft blanket in the carry container and maybe a stuffed animals for them to cuddle under that should help.

Get a really well made heat lamp or one of the brooders that are similar to mamas they can get up under can't think of the name now. You want to make sure your heat lamp will attach secure and the bulb won't come loose from the metal where it attaches into the lamp. They can eat chicks starter or an all flock crumble and they will need some either plain niacin or Nutritional yeast so they get the right amount of niacin for growing ducklings Chick starter doesn't have enough for water fowl. 250 mgs of plain niacin added to 1 gal of fresh water daily or 1 tab of Nut. Yeast added to each cup of feed.

Here is some really good info on raising and caring for ducklings.

Your going to have to do intro with you adult runner slowly so she gets use to them, she maybe afraid of them and try to hut them also. So anytime you have her and them together always be there to supervise. if you do it the right way they will all be come a flock.

please be sure to post pics when you get them home and let us know how they are doing.
Thank you so much for info! I can adjust heating in car and will have hubby holding box duckling is in just thought heating on full will help it? Have blanket ready and need to buy heat lamp although have emailed farm we are picking her up from and they have said they have heat lamps food etc to buy for them so feeling a little more relaxed that little one will need ok now! Thanks for info on caring for ducklings, about to read now. A little nervous but will carefully introduce new little one to our adult runner, I'm sure they will be pals
I see your only getting one duckling. Oh my you and hubby will be duckling parents for a while. Congrats!!

Having a single duckling can be a challenge because they really don't like to be alone and it's going to be a while before she'll be able to be with your adult. A stuffed animal and a non breakable mirror can really help when you can't be with your duckling. Have you thought of getting 2?

Heating on full may help do you have a thermometer you can put in her box so you can see what the temp is? she'll probably snuggle up under the blanket and stay pretty warm.
Cardboard box with wood shavings, *dont use pine* can have respiratory problems later.. blanket on top with a space for ventilation. Should be ok til you get home then just get a basic heat lamp. Use infra-red or youll cook em up.
Cardboard box with wood shavings, *dont use pine* can have respiratory problems later.. blanket on top with a space for ventilation. Should be ok til you get home then just get a basic heat lamp. Use infra-red or youll cook em up.
Pine shavings are fine. I've used them for years. Cedar shavings are not recommended.
for one lil Runner a blankie will be fine. New daddy could even hold it wrapped up Just like bringing baby home from the hospital
I would.
pee pads work great too.

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