Oh Lord my husband is going to kill me...

Go Cara !!!
Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I don't even tell him I order more eggs until after they are here.

We discussed last year hatching 100 eggs this year of a larger dual purpose bird - I decided on buckeye's. This year he told me that he doesn't wish to raise meat birds.

Whatever... I have 12 EE in the bator and 16 Buckeyes. And I am planning to hatch another group for Easter and I told my daughter she could have ducks.

I am also wanting to get a few Old English Bantam's because I have 1 and she is lonely.

OctoMom has nothing on me. LOL:celebrate
I started incubating half of the eggs I order at my mom's house! She bought a used bator a month or so ago and she just finished her test hatch. She hatched out 6 of my mixed eggs.
I ordered her a bunch more and I was telling her about it and she was like, "now how many eggs did you say were coming? Why did you order so many?"

I've got some in the bator to hatch on Mar 7.
And then I have some ordered more for my own bator as well. It's almost time to set up the indoor brooder.
My DH hates that!
Awwwww I feel better now! ROFL Not that I have enough room to hatch that many!

I have about 5 dozen coming off Friday and 2 1/2 dozen coming off Thursday.

The mail man is sppoed to
take the 5 dozen, though and maybe some of the 2 1/2 dozen. If all goes as planned, I'll only be keeping 14 of them which are my own cochins.

Then I have 4 ducks due next week and some cuckoo marans that I got from a swap here. I have more eggs in the cabinet that I'm waiting to set, but have been trying to give them away to others that want to hatch them instead so I won't have quite as many.

Yet I put in an e-mail to someone locally that gets the hatcheries extras to see if I can buy some standard cochin chicks from them.
(At 1.25 per chick, I cannot resist and DH has asked if I have enough brown eggs to sell to a guy at work that's interested. I only have one brown egg layer and it's my one standard cochin girl. The rest are banties. I took him asking me that as permission to get a few more brown egg layers.

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