Oh Lord my husband is going to kill me...

Wow, that sounds like my hatches with those ratios.
I can beat that. Last summer I hatch 6 of 7 roos. The one that wasn't a roo is an OEB spangled hen. She has laid 2 eggs and that was the first week of Jan and then she decided to take the rest of the season off.

As far as only being allowed to use the bator once a year, plug it in in March and unplug it in June. This way you are only using it once for 4 months. Problem solved.
LOL! My dh is my enabler. He brings me eggs to hatch. He would actually be jealous, he has been searching for some Bobwhite quail eggs that aren't outrageous. He just wants to let them go in our pasture. Don't really feel like paying 1.50 a piece for some chicks he is going to let go in a few weeks.

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