@Crestcrazy2 (Active)

First Character
Name: King
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Tribe: CloudWing
Physical appearance: Deep blue feathers on his back that fade into a rusted red color on his belly. Dark green eyes. White stripes running from just under his ears and spiraling along his wings to splay out on his wing feathers. Huge glistening black talons and black beak and horns. He wears a ruby and gold anklet around his right hind leg.
Personality: to be rped!
Backstory: King was raised in a human city with others of all different types and species. He learned how to communicate with the humans out of a necessity to live, eventually gaining his freedom by befriending a young boy named Zander. They escaped and fled the city, but one night a group of hunters took Zander and almost killed King, he was badly wounded and fought to the edge of a canyon, the humans shot him with a paralyzing dart and he managed to get himself over the cliff edge, it was be free or die to him. he found himself washed ashore a few days later barely clinging to life. That’s when the tribe, his tribe, found him. Now he works as an agent, bringing teams in and rescuing others like him before he was found.
Other: he’s based off of a blue eared kingfisher.

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

Second Character
Name: Helios
Gender: Male
Age: 59
Tribe: Solarwing
Physical appearance: Tall and Handsome. A dark red with starbursts of orange and yellow fading in his wings. He has several scars along his sides and is missing a talon along with a part of his tail sail.
Personality: Brave and loyal, a bit mysterious. Cheerful and loving, but a fierce warrior. He loves his citizens but there aren’t a lot of them because the tribe is divided. (There is a Queen right? And she has a mate…which can be him?)
Backstory: He’s been through a lot, seeing his tribe slowly deteriorate and be taken captive even more then usual by the greedy humans. His daughter was killed and his son has been captured, he’s trying to find a way to get them back and has been traveling the continent trying to gather more members of his own tribe to come back, so they can be as strong a tribe as possible.

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

Third Character
Name: Knight (King will probably usually call him Bud or Buddy.)
Gender: Male
Age: Still an egg. Will be a hatchling soon!
Tribe: Lunarwing with faint Nightwing ancestry.
Physical appearance: A mostly normal Lunarwing dragonet, but with black scales down the neck instead of silver and a few patches of black scales, like paint splattered onto his scales. For instance, around the base of his two largest horns and on the end of his tail. One random patch of black scales on his left front talon shaped like an oval. Green eyes.
A few odd scars and his left ear is slightly misshapen due to Kings talons crushing the egg when he snatched it from the compound.
Personality: (will be) A bubbly, bouncy ball of joy. Loves biting older dragons tails and playing hide & seek with the other hatchlings. Loves King a lot, but will bond with a mother figure, most likely chickadee or someone like that. Or Neoma if/when she finds him.
Backstory: Not known yet! All he remembers is the sounds of machinery and humans, a feeling of being pressed in on and jostled around before he hatched. This has caused some amount of claustrophobia.

(Art credit: @Nicole Taber )

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

Fourth Character
Name: Dredbog (Dred for short)
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Tribe: Mudwing
Physical appearance: Large and muscular, would have been the Bigwings of his troop if he had been raised like any other Mudwing. Has ashy grey/brown scales like that of an alligator. Blue eyes and several tattoos all over his body.
Personality: Blunt and brutally honest, loyal and funny. He can get very angry sometimes and it’s best to steer clear of him when that happens.
Backstory: His nest was raided right after he hatched by a bunch of traders and hunters, he of course couldn’t save his siblings and was taken to a raising facility, then after he was old enough he was taken to the SD to be a fighter due to his larger size and good genetics.
His owner has so many other dragons that he’s just one of many money makers to him.

Fifth Character
Name: Wither Rose Freeborn (Rose is what her friends call her and Freeborn could maybe be the last name of her family since she is a completely free dragon in the SD? It would help with legal stuff)
Gender: Female
Age: 31
Tribe: Leaf/NightWing
Physical appearance: A very dark polished brown color mixed with lighter tan highlights, making her appear as if she was carved from a huge dark tree. Deep almost black green wing membrane and purple eyes like her Nightwing parent. Black claws and horns and a forked black tongue. Her talons are burned in several spots and have many different colors splashed across them from all her experiments and meddling with acids.
Personality: Friendly and kind, a wonderful dragon to be around……if you’re part of the Rebellion.
She is nice enough if you’re not, she lives in the SD after all. But secretly she’s been working on drugs, potions and and metal corroding acids to help in the escape of the captive SD dragons. She’s strong willed, passionate and maybe a bit stubborn. The hoomans hate her and she doesn’t care, infact it helps her in her choices to stick with the rebellion. She can be rude and disgusted when the thoughts of the dragons trapped in the Maze come to mind, but she pushes them away, knowing she’s doing all she can to help them.
Backstory: Her parents fell in love after gaining their own freedom. Ashheart, a brave and noble Nightwing who fought his way to freedom met Rosethorn after several months, the two of them falling in love and deciding to start a family. Wither Rose was hatched a year later under the two moons, though she never gained the fabled nightwing powers. Ashhearts lab and Rosethorns adjoined greenhouse was the perfect place to grow up, probably the only nice place to grow up in the SD. One night when she was younger a group of (Anti-Free Dragon) humans came and blew up their apartment while they slept, killing Ashheart and Rosethorn. That’s when Wither Rose added Freeborn to her name, claiming it as her family name in defiance of the humans, who were never even arrested for their crimes. She’s taken to plant science, discovering that even though she didn’t gain moon blessed powers, she had incredibly good Leafspeak. her lab/greenhouse looks more like a jungle then anything, with jars filled with strange bugs and carnivorous plants. She has many pouches filled with insects that could do quite a lot of damage if she used them right. Her techniques of splicing plants together to create new ones along with her Leafspeak are known throughout the SD. She’s dangerous, but not evil.
Next page: @-Shade- (Active)
Previous page: @Harmonylight (Inactive)