@Harmonylight (Inactive)

First Character
Name: Neoma
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Tribe: Lunarwing
Physical appearance: Smaller than the average Lunarwing, and wiry. Eyes are a deep periwinkle. The dots on the side of her neck are white and seem to glow slightly in the dark.
Personality: Outgoing and friendly, but also extremely suspicious of most others at first until they can prove their true colors are as they claim. Quick to get annoyed, and likes to sometimes start either play fighting or really fighting when there's not enough going on. Loves to practice fighting in free time. Skilled with her warping. Very defensive of the dragons she's close to. Not a huge fan of taking orders from authority, but if she chooses to be loyal to someone, she would die for them. Can be very sneaky. Some of her more notable flaws; sometimes she can be too suspicious of someone or can get too irritated. Also tends to get in a silly mood and let her guard down too much, she doesn't have a huge in between. Can get rather moody or have traumatic flashbacks that cause her to shut down for a bit, either wanting to be alone or only with one other dragon of her choosing. She often goes into a bit of a zoned-out state, and can need to be snapped out of it. But don't let any of this fool you, she can be the most fun and loving dragon ever if she trusts someone!
Backstory: She was raised in a group with about five other Lunarwings. Her parents, two siblings, and a strange one that joined them when she was an egg. Her parents raised her with the old stories of the old dragons, and spoke tales of how the Lunarwings had been unfairly treated and had finally chosen to leave. Believing that story all her life has caused Neoma to have a bit of resentment for other dragons until they prove their loyalty. She's not totally sure if it's true, but it's the only truth she knows and the only reasoning she has for having been alone for so long. Her parents died when she was roughly half-age due to starvation and exhaustion, they had given most of their lives to feeding and protecting their young. Neoma's oldest sibling Milza attacked Neoma and her now-dead sibling Kyler, killing Kyler and almost killing Neoma before flying away with Darltrax, the stranger. Neoma doesn't know why she was left alive but she wants to find Milza and Darltrax and kill him, believing that Darltrax convinced her to do it.

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

Second Character
Name: Blackout
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Tribe: Nightwing
Physical appearance: almost completely black. the only reason he's not is because he has some very dark purple-blue scales down around his talons and around the base of his horns. He's a bit larger than Neoma, around the normal Nightwing size.
Personality: Soft-hearted, slightly soft-spoken and can seem shy sometimes. brainwashed to be a fighter for the SD crew when he was hatched from an egg there. A very good fighter, due to having been properly trained for so long. has a sensitivity to others and the pain they feel, making it harder for him to actually use some of the talents he has. Has a little bit of survivors guilt, because one of the things that the SD crew raised him with was the idea that if you didn't die in battle, why? did you really fight enough? funny, but also can be serious at any moment. kinda good at hiding, but also is clumsy and gets himself found really easy.
Backstory: Raised in the SD from an egg, having been bred specifically for the 'Dark Army' (the NightWings). obviously didn't grow with parents bc they were just breeder dragons. He never loved the idea of killing, but never saw a real way out. after his latest fight he was sickened by the idea that killing was so mandatory for survival. when he encountered neoma, it all snapped that she had to kill the other nightwing to save herself. he realized that the nightwings had just attacked because their prey had escaped, and if they hadn't been trying to keep scavengers and dragons in captivity none of this would've happened. he realized in all the chaos he could get away, and so he fled.
Anything else: to be rped

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

Third Character
Name: Apple
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Tribe: Rainwing
Physical Appearance: Average size, pinkish-red over most of her body but with swirls of yellow-green and deep maroon. (Look up a picture of a pink lady apple for clarification if needed, that's where I got those colors lol) She's blind, so she has milky-white eyes. Has a white sloth pet always clinging to her, whose name is Ivory. Apple's claws are a strange yellow-green shade, like Bamboo's colors.
Personality: Smart and sensible. Soft-spoken and rather shy. Well-spoken in both Human and Dragon. Gets along with almost everyone she meets, due to her kind and thoughtful nature. Thinks of a way past nearly every obstacle she comes across. Has a huge heart and hates knowing someone is hurt, which has led her to practice some healing arts. She is heavily relied on by both her family and any tribe-members that need healing. She has a beautiful singing voice, and loves nature. She balances out with Bamboo, reminding him to be serious and careful. She takes his jokes and stuff well, having a calm but firm handle on things. She loves her silly brother with everything, and though she talks about how stupid he is, knows he can be very smart when it comes to it and would rather see the world end than him leave her.
Backstory: Bamboo and Apple were hatched from the same egg, and the tribe was thrilled with healthy twins. They've grown up happy and healthy in their group of Rainwings. They love life in the tribe, but Bamboo had always read of the old adventures. He would read them aloud to Apple, and she could hear the longing in his voice to go on an adventure of his own. She knows that he'll jump at the chance to go on an adventure, and silently, she's made up her mind that she'll go with him to the ends of the earth.
Their motto reflects their mindset; Born together, live together, laugh and cry together. Go together, arrive together, Die together.
Other: Bamboo plays the harp, and Apple loves to sing with it. Sometimes he will join in with harmony, and they will sing old tales together. They often finish each others sentences, thinking along the same lines.
Apple is a serious, softspoken, laid-back dragon, but she has a silly side that Bamboo knows well and she lets out sometimes when she feels like it. Similarly, Bamboo has a serious and wise side that he presents in the correct situations. They aren't good at fighting, especially Apple. Apple knows Braille (the dragon version.... I can't remember what Tamarin called it) and reads what things she can that are written in it.

(Art credit: @Harmonylight )

Fourth Character
Name: Bamboo
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Tribe: RainWing
Physical Appearance: Average size. His body is soft green with shading of the same yellow shade as Apple. His eyes are light pinkish red, like Apple's scales. Claws are black.
Personality: He's a ditz. He can be really dumb sometimes, and can get in the way if he's not careful. Loves to fight, but is awful at it, because he has no training. He could be good at it because he's quick to learn, but doesn't have the focus to concentrate on something for long. Smiles a lot, and loves to lounge in the sun. He's a goof and will do whatever it takes to cheer someone up. He helps Apple lighten up when she's sad. Also a bit of a practical joker. Though he wouldn't say it to her face, he would die without hesitation for Apple. He loves her so much, even though he's always teasing her and doing stupid stuff and getting in her way.
Backstory: Bamboo and Apple were hatched from the same egg, and the tribe was thrilled with healthy twins. They've grown up happy and healthy in their group of Rainwings. They love life in the tribe, but Bamboo had always read of the old adventures. He would read them aloud to Apple, and she could hear the longing in his voice to go on an adventure of his own. She knows that he'll jump at the chance to go on an adventure, and silently, she's made up her mind that she'll go with him to the ends of the earth.
Their motto reflects their mindset; Born together, live together, laugh and cry together. Go together, arrive together, Die together.
Other: Bamboo plays the harp, and Apple loves to sing with it. Sometimes he will join in with harmony, and they will sing old tales together. They often finish each others sentences, thinking along the same lines.
Apple is a serious, softspoken, laid-back dragon, but she has a silly side that Bamboo knows well and she lets out sometimes when she feels like it. Similarly, Bamboo has a serious and wise side that he presents in the correct situations. They aren't good at fighting, especially Apple. Apple knows Braille (the dragon version.... I can't remember what Tamarin called it) and reads what things she can that are written in it.

(Art credit: @Harmonylight )