@-Kiwi- (RP Creator, Active)

First Character
Name: Corvus
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Tribe: CloudWing
Physical appearance: Glossy black feathers like a raven or crow that are iridescent in sunlight, jade green eyes. He's thin and a little scrawny, but very quick and agile in a fight. He has a jagged scar across his snout from his grandfather. A warning.
Personality: Corvus is an intelligent, sensitive dragon who cares deeply for others. He would do anything for the dragons he loves, and it tends to be his fatal flaw. His emotions sometimes get in the way of common sense and he can be reckless, sometimes in a violent manner. He's a fierce fighter when need be, and he wont hesitate to defend himself.
Backstory: Corvus's egg was stolen (liberated) from a SandWing slave trade situation by a loner CloudWing named Jay. Jay became his adoptive mother and mentor, teaching him how to fight and survive. His real mother was a rebel assassin, the rebellion's leader's daughter, Raven. Raven couldn't support a dragonet and his egg was lost to her, though not on purpose. Corvus has a sister named Owl.

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

Second Character
Name: Phoenix
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Tribe: Cloud/SolarWing hybrid (calls herself a CloudWing for simplicity's sake.)
Physical appearance: Fiery, coppery gold feathers with electric blue accents. She has bright blue eyes that almost seem to give off their own light. She tends to give off a faint golden glow in the dark. She has two long "tassle" feathers extending from her tail plume, with a peacock-like blue spot on the end of each. She's small compared to the average CloudWing.
Personality: Phoenix is painfully shy, but longs companionship. She's afraid of messing things up, so in the past she's stayed mostly a loner, for safety's sake. She does have a fiercer side to her, a side she's mostly repressed. She fears her own emotions, because they are dangerous to others. She's basically just a feathery, fluffy ball of anxiety.
Abilities: Phoenix's most notable ability is "flamefeathers" which is basically the fiery temperature fluctuations SolarWings have translated onto feathers. She has little control over this ability, probably because she's not full SolarWing, so it is largely dictated by her emotions. When calm, she is a temperature you can safely touch like any other dragon, but when she's upset, she sets alight with flames. When she's *very* upset, her feathers are a blinding white-hot color and her eyes glow. She also has very strong firebreath, but it hurts her throat if used often due to her CloudWing ancestry.
Backstory: Most of Phoenix's childhood was dictated by her mother, a SolarWing named Flare. Flare was a deeply unhappy dragon and she tended to take it out on her daughter and husband. She was constantly frustrated at Phoenix's lack of control over abilities, and it eventually ended in a fight that ended up with Flare chasing Phoenix away. Phoenix's father was the opposite though, a gentle dragon who loved Phoenix more than anything. He just never stood up to Flare.
Phoenix left and spent a long time on her own, eventually finding Corvus. Corvus ended up catching feelings for her, feelings that weren't reciprocated. Corvus was hurt, but he eventually gave her space. They remain good friends though.

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

(Art credit: @lilmillefleur )

Third Character
Name: Sunspot
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Tribe: SolarWing
Physical appearance: Gold/copper scales, with bright magenta accents on her extremeties (wingtips, along the back, edge of crests) she has black blotches resembling sunspots scattered across her scales and brightly glowing wing and crest veins.
Personality: Sunspot has a fierce and fiery personality, like most SolarWings. She has a temper, but overall she's a kind dragon. She can be wildly impulsive at times, and is very spontaneous.
Backstory: Sunspot is a loner that soars the Sand Kingdom area, hunting and occasionally running off gangs of rogue SandWings. She keeps to herself for the most part, and none of her connections tend to last long. She is coveted by dragon hunters and is thus always on the run, moving from place to place. She's had a couple of close calls, but her wily attitude and quick mind have never failed her. Having powerful firebreath helps too. She sometimes gives the Scorpion Den a flyby, and she says its because she likes teasing the humans that live there, but its partially because she knows what happens there and part of her wants to help. Or fly down there and torch the place. Sunspot is a very skilled flier, practicing in sandstone canyons. Complete with epic flames.

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

(Art credit: @Blue Raptor )

Fourth Character
Name: Cochineal
Tribe: Hive/Sand
Description: Tall, long and thin, with goldenrod colored scales splashed with black. He has four wings like a HiveWing, and a numbered tattoo on the right one. He has scars on his snout, neck and talons from old chains. He wears glasses, and likes to wear lots of jewlery.
Personality: Cochineal is a reserved dragon who tends to keep to himself. He will make polite conversation with strangers but he gets easily uncomfortable. He tends to stick with his human most of the time, helping her with rebellion duties as well as typical Scorpion Den duties. He’s fluent in both Human and Dragon.
Backstory: N/A

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

Fifth Character
Name: Aelia
Tribe: SolarWing
Gender: Female
Description: deep, bright orange scales shot through with electric teal stripes and veins. She bright blue “eyeliner” markings around her eyes. Her crest, wings and frills have rows of dark maroon dots on them, and her wing-blades have glowing circular spots. She wears a lot of lapis lazuli jewlery to set off her contrasting orange scales.
Personality: a very collected, logical dragon. Shes very in control of her emotions, and isn’t as “fiery” personality wise as most SolarWings.
Backstory: Aelia is the younger sister of Sol and last surviving daughter of Helios and Aurea. Her elder sister was killed when she was only a dragonet.

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )
Next page: @Harmonylight (Inactive)
Previous page: Overview