BUILD Phase 8 - Run Roof & Coop Roost Bar

Now that I have the coop out of the way (for the most part at least) and the chickens are able to live it in it, it's time for the run roof! The time I started the run roof was a week later due to being gone for a work trip.

When I returned home, I took all the measurements needed for the sheet lengths and made the cuts. Then I pre-drilled the holes for the roofing screws. Admittedly, I did mess up on a few of the sheets. I mis-measured the purlin lengths to keep all the screws in line. Needless to say, on a couple of the sheets, a few holes did not line up! I was so pissed!:he Thankfully, I didn't pre-drill all the sheets at once. I was able to use metal tape and sealant. No issues with leaks! Woohooo!







The roof is complete! I was extremely happy when I got to the end. I still have more work to do on the run, but at least the roof is finished (well, I still have to put the ridge cap on). I don't recall having a picture of it after I finished, but I made sure to install it straight this time. I used clamps to hold it down. Then took measurements to make sure the distance was equal on both sides. Everything checked out so I started to install the screws.






@U_Stormcrow gave me advice on placement of the roost bar. He recommended at least 12" away from the wall to prevent chicken poop from making a mess on it. I have zero problems with poop on the wall!

I used 2x6's on sides for support and notched out a hole big enough to hold a 2x3. The farmer had an extra 2x3 that I was able to use.


I added a second roost bar below the main one but angled at 18" away from the main roost bar. This was @U_Stormcrow advice as well to prevent the chickens from pooping on one another!




Here's the chickens sleeping at night! I think they are enjoying their new home and nice roost bar with a window to look out!!! ;)


Oh, and one of the hens used the nesting box! Woohoo!


Next up, installing the run hardware cloth and building the man doors.