
I had a few ideas of what I wanted (in a way). I wanted the run to be enclosed from most of the elements, while allowing the chickens to have ample amount of airflow. Full disclosure, I really didn't know the importance of air flow until speaking with several BYC users. Thanks for explaining it and how crucial it is to have.

I spent many nights (probably 4+ months) looking at different coop builds. I was searching for the "correct" way to build it and house my chickens. After reading and talking with folks, I discovered there is no "one" way to have your chicken setup. I learned what works for one person may not work for someone else. It really boils down to each persons needs and what they want to get out of it. I wanted enough space to grow my flock up to max 24, but also not too big, where it would have a lot of empty space and use more resources to keep it heated in the winter time.

The farmer next to me really helped with the planning. Our land has a small slope to one side of the yard. When it rains, all the water goes to the one side (yes, the side where I built my coop) and sits. It's NOT too bad, but overtime the farmer told me I would deal with a really muddy mess (like he does with his), and suggested I build a foundation with 6x6's and gravel. This will raise me up several inches above ground, but also give me a flat even surface to build from.

Here is what I came up with after talking with the wife and farmer J:

  1. Raised foundation so we don't have to deal with a muddy mess.
  2. Walk-in coop and run
  3. Easy way to clean and maintain the bedding and poop
  4. Raised nest boxes that allow us to collect the eggs from outside (especially if we are not home, it will be easier to ask someone to collect them for us)
  5. Fully enclosed and safe from predators.
  6. Great ventilation. The more the better.
  7. Electric to have lights at night, heating lamps for very cold winter days, and cameras.
  8. A porch! Well, because porches look cool, lol!
  9. According to my wife, does not look ugly or trashy!!!
On the to the design!
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