Cassiopeia's eye seems to be slightly opening. The water must have done it good then. I'm happy for her because it would be
depressing to go in and see a pirate chicken, even though she would still eat and lay fine. No offence to othe one eyed chickens
out there! I bet Rose pecked it, the...
Apparently, a chicken having its beak cut is like us having our fingers chopped off.
I read that somewhere, not sure if it is true or not but it isn't pain free.
LeezyBeezy- He is a Bantam, and after research we think that he is a Japanese Bantam.
Texas Star- Oh! We got them off a pretty good breeder and she had three varieties of them, the ones we have, dark ones with white specks,
and white ones. I'll do some research, but I might have to wait to see...
And be careful of putting perches directly over another, the chicken on the bottom will get poo on its head
Good luck. I'm sure your chickens will appreciate your work
These are our new chickens. Edward (formerly Aquarius) and Bella are the white Bantams.
Rose, Cassiopeia and Penny are the 14wk old Marans.
Bella and Edward having a dirt bath
This is Rose
All three of the Maran girls
Bella and Edward
Hi all
Sorry to post again but I need to see if I can stop this behaviour as the hen is still young.
One of my Maran hens, Rose, is driving me crazy
As an example, I just went in to bath one of the other hens eyes in warm water (see my other thread)
with a soft cotton pad. The poorly hen...
We have a collie dog as well as our chickens. Even though he had never seen a dog before in his life (hes 5) he ran around and around their pen, annoying them.
The only way the chickens are still alive is that we got some black weedblock and put it around the wire so that doggy couldn't see in...
Have the nestboxes pretty low and the perches up high about 2 ft off the floor, most chickens are able to fly at least 4 ft up in the air.
Even if you have a heavier breed they should be able to fly up to 3 ft.
Hi there:)
One of my Marans has a closed eye which can't open. I suspect something might have poked it, like a twig or one of the other chickens.
It doesn't look infected and there is no wound or bleeding. The hen is acting a little strange though, just standing around, but I know
she is...
This happens with my cock.
Chickens won't move once they have roosted at night (inside or out) so go in then and catch them.
How high is the coop off the ground, chickens usually go as high as they can at night.
In the wild they used to perch on trees
That is such a coincidence! I have new Marans and one of them uses the nest box to roost in. Well, not all night, just when she goes in and then
the other three who use the perch encourage her up. The male cock perches on the inside window sill.
If she really is annoying, make a small coop and run if you have room and keep her in there. Otherwise try handling her and taming her slowly.
Aggressive behaviour and kicking isn;t the way to go, even if you may feel like it. Its just like a horrid child, giving it a spanking will only make...