Recent content by ChickForLife

  1. ChickForLife

    Lol idek I was just bored

    Lol idek I was just bored
  2. ChickForLife

    Yeah I totally forgot about BYC

    Yeah I totally forgot about BYC
  3. ChickForLife

    Thanks you!! Merry Christmas to you too!

    Thanks you!! Merry Christmas to you too!
  4. ChickForLife

    Thanks! You too!

    Thanks! You too!
  5. ChickForLife

    Lol sorry! Buy by!

    Lol sorry! Buy by!
  6. ChickForLife

    Lol no didn’t die

    Lol no didn’t die
  7. ChickForLife

    Idk been pretty busy

    Idk been pretty busy
  8. ChickForLife


  9. ChickForLife


    Lol, thanks! I'm glad you liked it!
  10. ChickForLife


    I am also trying to rehome 4 ducks! They are all 7 weeks old. 2 are welsh harlequin (males I think) and the other two are welsh harlequin x blue Swedish mixes. they are very pretty but I sadly don't have enough space for them. If you would like them PM me.
  11. ChickForLife

    6 week Silver Laced Barnevelder gender poll

    Are you sure she/he is 6 weeks old?
  12. ChickForLife

    Cost to replace my flock

    I agree with this but if you want to get really technical you can factor in feed cost and labor. If you want I could help you with that.
  13. ChickForLife

    Pullets or Roos

    I agree. The third may be too but I can't really tell and am not the greatest at assuming gender.
  14. ChickForLife

    Boy or Girl???

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