Recent content by isis

  1. isis

    Does anyone else have Chickens and Ducks housed together?

    I have a pen with chickens and ducks... I use nipple drinkers on 5 gallon buckets. The nipples I bought off of eBay and the buckets are from home demo. Works great... Every now and then I fill some pans of water for the ducks to play in, but otherwise they are "pondless" ducks.
  2. isis

    Hatchery ducklings from farm store mysteriously dying...

    I'll start out by saying I've raised baby ****s for years... both ones that I've bought and ones that I've hatched from my own flock... so I'm not new to ducks :-) I am however new to this problem! I bought 4 Khaki Campbell ducklings at the farm store last weekend (a new breed to me). They...
  3. isis

    $20 shipped TOMORROW! 6+ mixed and and purebred duck hatching eggs (Cayuga, Ancona & more)

    Hello! These eggs are not refrigerated. I keep them in a cool room of the house and turn them a couple times a day. I keep them for hatching myself, too, but I've run out of space in my incubators... My last batch of 20 eggs I put in had 100% fertility, so these should be pretty fertile eggs.
  4. isis

    $20 shipped TOMORROW! 6+ mixed and and purebred duck hatching eggs (Cayuga, Ancona & more)

    6+ extras DUCK hatching eggs. These can be mixed breed or purebred, as my ducks are all running together right now. Fertility is excellent. My pen includes: Drakes: 1 Cayuga, 2 Crested Ancona (very large crests!) Ducks (girls): 2 Cayuga (1 is crested), 2 Ancona, 3 Pekins, 3 Magpie, 1...
  5. isis

    Are my emu eggs any good? I can't tell... HELP!

    I can't tell you how stupid excited I am! Thank you so much for your help. I guess it was your 2012 hatch-a-long I got some great info on- just now seeming your 2013 one! I weighed the eggs initially, but haven't kept weighing them... the humidity has consistently been in the 20s. Once they...
  6. isis

    Are my emu eggs any good? I can't tell... HELP!

    Oh wow I was expecting 50 days! I don't feel so bad now, thank you :-) Which is the right sound? The thud or the porcelain? (I thought it was the thud at this point) And then that switches days before hatching, right? I read that somewhere... All 7 eggs are leaning.
  7. isis

    Are my emu eggs any good? I can't tell... HELP!

    Whoops! I started out posting in the emu section... I must have clicked too many buttons XD Can a mod move this over or should I just repost? They are on days 44 and 41. They've been at 95-97 degrees.
  8. isis

    Are my emu eggs any good? I can't tell... HELP!

    Okay, my emu eggs are due to hatch next week. Problem is... I can't tell if they are any good! I've read all these different methods and my eggs just aren't consistent with that.. I started with 8 eggs, one got cracked and I sealed it but it started to smell so I took it out. When I tapped...
  9. isis

    Heartland Hatchery :(

    To be fair, some of the negatives are newbies as well as some of the positives ;-)
  10. isis

    reptipro 5000 in box, used once

    Does this include egg turners/shipping?
  11. isis

    What incubators will work for Emu eggs? And where can I get an automatic turner?

    What incubators will work for Emu eggs? And where can I get an automatic turner? I'm going to get some eggs this weekend... not sure how to do it best without spending a fortune. Also, do you guys incubate them upright or on their side?
  12. isis

    Consolidated Kansas

    All ads must be in the Buy Sell Trade forum, please. edited by staff
  13. isis

    Showgirl thread- for posting pictures and discussing breed!

    Does anyone in the NE Kansas area have showgirls for sale? Not giving up my "from scratch" project, just want to have a few in my flock ;-)
  14. isis

    Showgirl thread- for posting pictures and discussing breed!

    Another question to those who have finished showgirls... how big are they compared to the purebred turken/silkie (I know that standard is bantam size, but I prefer larger birds, curious if anyone has standard showgirls :-) ). Also, what size eggs do they lay?
  15. isis

    Showgirl thread- for posting pictures and discussing breed!

    Still looking for help with this... I want to make sure: 1) The silkies (even out of a turken egg) will always be silkie if bred back to a silkie (so I can sell them as silkies?). 2) Do the hens that came out with smooth feathers and no naked necks still have the NN gene? If they do have the...
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