Recent content by Nebraskagirl

  1. Nebraskagirl

    Northwest Winter - need advice on duck care during the chilly months

    Of the visible light spectrum red light (not red colored bulbs) is the most beneficial to increase egg production. It is not as BRIGHT as white light.
  2. Nebraskagirl

    Introducing ducklings to their parents without injury?

    Let me tell you MY story about what happened to me this summer. I hatched out two Welsh Harlequin ducklings via incubator. The duck and drake to the ducklings were on the premises and was exposed to them daily (I would HOLD the ducklings in my hand and show them to their parents.) Neither seemed...
  3. Nebraskagirl

    Northwest Winter - need advice on duck care during the chilly months

    Ducks have the ultimate insulation (their feathers and down.) In Nebraska it has already gotten down to 10 degrees a few times and they go in if they want (I thought I might make them go in, but decided they can use their best judgment.) As long as they have enough feed and clean water they are...
  4. Nebraskagirl

    Refrigerate the eggs, or not?

    I do not refrigerate.
  5. Nebraskagirl

    Do I FORCE them inside their duck house or not?

    Thanks guys. I was just concerned about them not doing the right thing and being frozen in the morning. Hubby says they are smart enough to go in if it gets too cold. I did find them coming out of their box this morning when I arrived with feed, but I thought it might be better if that door was...
  6. Nebraskagirl

    Do I FORCE them inside their duck house or not?

    We live in Nebraska and I have three Welsh Harlequin ducks (all fully feathered.) I have a wooden coop with ventilation and used it last year during the cold months. I would make them go inside and lock the box at night (it has alfalfa hay as bedding with no water or food inside the actual box.)...
  7. Nebraskagirl

    Broken hearted

    I am with you here. Grab that .22.
  8. Nebraskagirl

    Bedding for Duck House? Hay or Shavings?

    It is horse bedding that absorbs moisture and ammonia, reduces hoof thrush, conditions soil, and minimizes mud. Myself, I use alfalfa hay but I only have three ducks. I turn the hay daily and pick out the clumps.
  9. Nebraskagirl

    Duck behavior during molt---?

    My one year old Welsh Harlequin female is in full molt mode :) She quit laying sometime late last week and I saw a couple feathers droppings so I figured the absence of eggs was due to molting. Now she is losing feathers like crazy; along with my nearly five month old ducklings who are also...
  10. Nebraskagirl

    Welsh Harelquin experts---Do I have a gold or silver phase drake?

    Oh, mine is silver, I know it. He has a LOT more grey and black than yours. Your guy is very pretty, I love the coloring. Guess I have two golden females and a silver drake, which is fine by me. I just want them to be healthy :)
  11. Nebraskagirl

    Welsh Harelquin experts---Do I have a gold or silver phase drake?

    Hey thanks! Our Khaki drake was lifted, but the hawk dropped him. It was awful to have experienced. His neck was snapped. I think I leaning toward him being a golden....but I still am not sure. The females are easy for me to tell, but for some reason I have a hard time distinguishing the drakes.
  12. Nebraskagirl

    Dealing with a hawk problem .?

    Yeah, but they are REALLY hard to aim The noise is pretty loud though. A bird bomb gun is this:
  13. Nebraskagirl

    Welsh Harelquin experts---Do I have a gold or silver phase drake?

    Yes, I did finally find it and read it. His tail feathers on the tips are a DARK chocolate; almost black but in the light you can tell they are chocolate. He has grey though, which is throwing me off. His mother is a golden as well as his sister. I was hoping for a golden male because they are...
  14. Nebraskagirl

    Frequency of egg laying

    Oh that is so neat they do that! They seem very happy and healthy; which is the main thing. I remember waiting for the first was agony at times! And then when she did lay and then stopped, then got irregular I worried because I was doing something wrong. Just had to be patient. My hubby...
  15. Nebraskagirl

    Welsh Harelquin experts---Do I have a gold or silver phase drake?

    I have read the color specifics on golden versus silver and I still cannot decide which he is. I believe him to be golden, but then again, I don't know. Ha! His sister is a golden and his mother is a golden (I know there can be both varieties in each hatch.) Hmmmm//
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