Recent content by Pamphee

  1. Pamphee

    My light brahma boys!

  2. Pamphee

    Brahma Contest - Ends Never

    My light brahma boys!
  3. Pamphee

    Comment by 'Pamphee' in item 'Booted'
  4. Pamphee

    Booted Bantam Thread

    My porcelain mille fleurs boots!
  5. Pamphee

    Booted Bantam Thread

    My lovely booted bantam isabel!
  6. Pamphee

    Show off your best rooster.

    My Booted Bantam isabel porcelain rooster!
  7. Pamphee

    Beginnings of bumblefoot?

    Batryl is enrofloxacine antibiotic but in this situation the better antibiotic is amoxicilian or peniciline or gentamicin! Please ask the vet, good luck!
  8. Pamphee

    Best Parasite Treatments and Dosages

    Here in Romania is very good for mites, this bloodsuckers die after they feeding with chickens blood (course after chickens were injected with ivomec)
  9. Pamphee

    Congestion, wheezing, sneezing, runny poop in 5 week old chick

    Doxycycline capsules from human pharmacy 1 g / liter of water combined with Tylosin.injection solution 1 ml / 1 liter of water for 10 days!.doxy+tylan good combinations for respiratory problems in chickens!!! yogurt or kefir is necessarily after this treatment to restore intestinal flora
  10. Pamphee

    I found bugs!! Red Mites!

    Ivomec Injection for Cattle,sheep and Swine give 0.5 ml if you have large birds or 0.2 ml for bantams give the shot - subcutaneous in the back of a neck,beast treatment for mites!!!!!
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