Recent content by Zenbirder

  1. Zenbirder

    Broody Hen Thread!

    I have broodies on and off all summer long and have hatched with mom and chicks in a separate pen until the chicks are a few weeks old. I have many different brown egg laying and duel breeds, and a bunch of mutts from my own hatchings. I am not worried about getting a broody eventually, though...
  2. Zenbirder

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Just popping in for some advice, I have not been around BYC for a while. Most of my hens are old or middle age (4 to 9), and I am going to increase the flock this year. I have done many ways in the past, but this year want to try something new. I put an old covered cat litter box on the floor...
  3. Zenbirder

    Cold egg, hatch?

    Thanks again. There is not any way to keep the quail away from the chickens, quail fly and I won't coop my chickens up so badly that I could cover their yard, I run around 50 chickens. I have only ever bought young chicks, on medicated feed or hatched my own. I have never brought in any...
  4. Zenbirder

    Cold egg, hatch?

    Thanks for that. I don't think the egg is going to hatch. The quail here regularly enter the chicken yard, so I am not sure any precautions would need to be taken? As for the probiotics, I know chickens love yoghurt. Would that be enough?
  5. Zenbirder

    Cold egg, hatch?

    My dog just found where a gambel's quail had been killed in the last few hours (probably coyote), and all eggs were destroyed except one. It was evident from one of the broken eggs that the chicks were due to hatch in a day or two. I got the last egg, and it was cool to the touch. I put it...
  6. Zenbirders Solar Heated Solar Powered Chicken Coop

    Zenbirders Solar Heated Solar Powered Chicken Coop

    Solar Heated - Solar Powered Coop This coop is a 8' by10' building located at 6000 feet in the mountains of Southwest New Mexico. We start with the basic building, solar additions are described below. It was constructed with 2X4 walls and set on cement blocks. The floor and walls inside and...
  7. Zenbirder

    Giving chicks to non-broody hen?

    Emily BO is 5 years old. She went broody twice a year for the first three years, but never hatched or raised chicks. Now I want her to raise chicks, so I put her in with Matilda who set golf balls and is raising 5 chicks about 1 month old now. They are now co-parenting the chicks. From the...
  8. Zenbirder

    New Mexico

    I have a pretty 2 1/2 year old pure Black Australorp roo, "Simon" to rehome. Is anyone interested - Silver City area? Here he is with one of his daughters with an EE hen. I am getting rid of him not because of behavior, but I am getting too much black in my flock. Susan
  9. Zenbirder

    Hummingbird pics *important update for 2010 p.4*

    A message from the hummingbird picture poster: We are very alarmed. This year the hummingbirds are in the lowest numbers anyone has ever seen around here. We have a fraction of the hummingbirds normally present in all other years, and the pattern is repeated across our county. We really hope...
  10. Zenbirder

    New Mexico

    I found and wrote the BYC section on Silver City Chicken laws. It is here: You are allowed chickens as long as they are not a nuisance. We need to work together to change this law to a more chicken...
  11. Zenbirder

    Update - Successful intervention - hen, dried egg on vent, intestines

    I think success, I was able to remove it layer by layer, it was very hard and dried. Yolk was outside, white inside. When I got to the final removal I was very very gentile, and she sucked the internals back inside her. I will post an update tomorrow in case anyone else has this problem in...
  12. Zenbirder

    Update - Successful intervention - hen, dried egg on vent, intestines

    DH has her in a warm bath now - it was the only thing I could think of either. No trace of shell, looks like all yolk.
  13. Zenbirder

    Update - Successful intervention - hen, dried egg on vent, intestines

    My hen was free ranging and happy when I saw what appears to be a dried egg on her vent with intestines going into it? It is very dried and I am afraid to cut-pull without any idea what I am doing! She seems very well otherwise, just over one year old. What should I do? No vet for chickens...
  14. Zenbirder

    Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

    OK I need help here. I just tried the surgery, I cut open the bumble after numbing it, there was just a small ooze of blood. I can not find anything to take out of the inside. It appears to be just a sack/lump of callused skin! I used triple antibiotic ointment and bandaged her back up. I...
  15. Zenbirder

    Speckled Sussex?

    Quote: The way our feed store is set up with cages it would be a great stretch of the imagination to have a customer swap chicks. Plus there were no other breeds there that would look like this. I think hatchery error is the only logical explanation if this is not an SS chick... It is not...
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