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  • Users: trainman
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  1. trainman

    Ducks a-layin'

    I have 6 female Rouen ducks I bought as chicks last April 2022. Only 3 of them are laying. What could be the issue with the other 3?
  2. trainman

    Homegrown corn

    Feed is rising in cost so I thought I'd like to supplement my commercial feed with some home grown corn and sunflower seeds. I have plenty of space to grow it so that's not an issue. My questions concern what and how to do it. Once planted and it's producing where do I go from there? Do I let...
  3. trainman

    Messy eaters

    My Barred Rocks are very wasteful with the feed. I have a 3lb metal hanging feeder for them. It's about 4-6" above the floor of the coop. I just cleaned the coop and noticed there was more feed on the floor than bedding. I feed them layer crumbles. Is there a way to not have them throwing the...
  4. trainman

    Worthless broodies

    I have raised chickens for a long time and had very good success with broody hens hatching and raising chicks (and ducks)! I have usually had a mixture of breeds including Buff Orpingtons, Black Australorps, New Hampshires and some others. Unfortunately they were devoured by raccoons and fox...
  5. trainman

    Geese as watchdogs?

    I generally raise a flock of about 40-50 chickens but lately the varmints (fox, raccoons & neighbor's dogs) have decimated a couple flocks. I was told if I get a few geese they would keep the varmints away or actually chase them. I don't know if that's true or not as I have no experience with...
  6. trainman

    Egg toss!

    I'm down to 4 laying hens and 20 pullets. Lately the layers are tossing the nest eggs out on to the coop floor. Wonder why they started doing that?
  7. trainman

    Watering choices

    ...ok except it STINKS for some reason. The chickens don't seem to mind the smell so that's good. With winter quickly approaching and temps already 39* at night I need to think about plugging in the heater bases. Will they get hot enough to melt the plastic waterers? Anyone have experience with...
  8. trainman

    Growing corn for feed

    I had the thought that I have a pretty big section of my garden I don't seem to use and maybe if I planted corn for the flock it could help with the feed bill. Has anyone grown their own corn? How do you harvest and prepare it for use? Would it be best to build a corn crib or leave it on the...
  9. trainman

    Confused broody hen

    I have a Plymouth Rock hen that's 9 months old. She's been broody and trying to set eggs now for about 4 weeks. I'm really happy with this as it saves me money to raise my own chickens and I'd rather a hen raise them than me dealing with hatchery chicks. My problem is that while she's very...
  10. trainman

    Sexy hens?

    I have 30 Plymouth Rock hens all the same age and 3 seem to get mounted by my roosters more often than the others. Just seems strange to me. Are some hens sexier than others?
  11. trainman

    Rooster with bum leg

    One of my roosters just started limping and his leg is swollen where the leg and foot join. Otherwise he seems fine. He's unable to put his full weight on the foot when getting around. Any idea what might be wrong with him? He's a Plymouth Rock and 7 months old.
  12. trainman

    My new coop

    Well, I finally got my new 12'x24' coop finished and it's housing it's first flock of Plymouth Rocks. I got them in July and they are growing like crazy and just started laying. Everything is great except one thing. DUST!!! I started using the pine shavings available at my local feed store. I...
  13. trainman

    What should I know about keeping turkeys?

    I've raised chickens for many years but never had any turkeys. I'm giving thought to getting 5-6 Blue Slate turkeys to raise for the freezer and for breeding purposes. They will be kept separate from my chickens so I'll need some sort of shelter. I understand they need a different feed than my...
  14. trainman


    OK, I purchased 35 Plymouth Rocks from a hatchery. They are all healthy and doing well and are now 5 1/2 months old and some have started laying. Today I got 15 eggs. Great! was WHITE! All the others are brown and all previous Rocks have laid brown eggs. Pretty bizarre! oldline1
  15. trainman

    Raccoon Issues

    I am now out of the chicken business thanks to several raccoons. I started with 30 chickens 4 months ago. They free range which I know is dangerous for them but it's how I run my flock. I have had between 20 & 40 chickens for 5 years now raised this way. I lock them in the coop at night and let...
  16. trainman

    How long do ducks lay eggs?

    I have three Pekin hens left from my original six. They started laying eggs around July 2014. They layed them for about 14 or 16 months and have stopped altogether. Is this normal? No dietary changes or environmental changes that may havee caused them to stop. Thanks, Trainman
  17. trainman

    Strange Ills

    I have 2 chickens with some odd illnesses. First I have a 1 1/2 year old Light Brahma rooster. He developed a large lump on his neck and got rather listless. I thought he may have been snake bit as the flock free ranges and they often head for the woods. Anyway, he seemed to get worse and just...
  18. trainman

    Roosters in distress

    I have 2 grown roosters, one a Plymouth Rock and the other a Light Brahma. Both have been very active fellows guarding and servicing the flock of 24 hens. I allow them all to free range my 20 acre farm and they cover the majority of it. It consists of about 1/2 woods and the rest is yard or...
  19. trainman

    Ducks laying

    I have 8 Pekins. Two Drakes and 6 hens. I bought them in March 2014 and they started laying around August 2014. I was getting between 2-3 eggs per day up until recently. They slacked off to about 3-4 per week for a few weeks and in the past 2 weeks I've seen no eggs. I have had issues with crows...
  20. trainman

    Egg Color

    I understand that egg color is determined by breed of chicken. A Barred Rock produces brown eggs and a Brown Leghorn produces white eggs. How much, if anything, does the rooster have to do with it? If one breeds a Brown Leghorn rooster with a Barred Rock hen what are the chances the female...
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