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  1. Lunachick about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    I just saw the news myself Judy.(FB) She will be missed. If it wasn't for her spunk and determination to fight, I may not have had the courage myself. Her sense of humor helped too! RIP Cindi, may you be with all your loved furbabies frolicking in the tall grasses on a beautiful sunshiney day...
  2. Lunachick about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    I know a lot of you guys on FB and they already know...but some of my BYC friends might not know that my husband of 38 years has passed away. :( I was with him & watched him take his last breath. I hope he's in a wonderful place now with no pain and not attached to any tubes, wires, machines...
  3. Lunachick about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Hi JJ Well, they think the CT scan shows an infection from either torn tissue or bone. Now we need to see an Infectious Disease Specialist. We see her on the 22nd. I think he needs an antibiotic drip for who knows how long.....anyway we're getting there. Hopefully when all the nice weather...
  4. Lunachick about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Hi everyone - I haven't been around BYC for awhile. Saw your request JJ! Here's the update: Paul (hubby) has struggled a lot with the treatments for his throat cancer. Radiation & chemo at the same time. Of all things radiation was the worst for him, he had a very high dose for the tumor...
  5. Lunachick about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Thanks Jan & Judy. I'm hanging in there. He's getting some strength back. Antibiotics worked for both things. He's got swollen feet from inactivity....also a bedsore on his butt....yeesh. When we first got home, he went (with the walker) to use the bathroom....he fell down and I couldn't...
  6. Lunachick about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Update on hubby - He's been in the hospital since last Sunday. Developed pneumonia, his system is very compromised....they did a culture on his sputum - MRSA. Gad, could it get any worse? Anyone entering his room has to put the gloves, gown & mask on. :( He's in a lot of pain (throat) lots...
  7. Lunachick about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Glad to see your post JJ - I'm sorry about your Dad and the heavy stuff....thinking of all you guys......
  8. Lunachick about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    ...node is affected. So that bit of news lifted our spirits up a bit. I feel like crap today, I think I know what you're feeling Cindi, this sh*t keeps on get a little break then something else happens. You get TIRED of it. But then you get a nice day and treat it as a...
  9. Lunachick about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    I'm so sorry chicknmania...........
  10. Lunachick about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    thanks Steff. He had his surgery for biopsy. The Doc asked what oncologist did your wife use???? That says something don't it? He also had a tracheostomy done so he could breathe when they did the biopsy.......don't know if that's permanent.....poor guy, lotsa pain. I'm sure he's feeling...
  11. Lunachick about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    That's the way to do it. Her way.
  12. Lunachick about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    My hubby is going in for biopsy surgery in his throat. There is a tumor there and he has difficulty talking We both have a feeling it's not good. This Thursday's the big day. He's pretty calm about it, me too - we both know how to handle this by now. There is always HOPE. But I gotta...
  13. Lunachick about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    YAY!!! That's fantastic news Coyote!!
  14. Lunachick

    I Remember When...

    I remember going to the movie theatre when it was 75 cents (small seaside town) I wanted to go see a movie there so bad and didn't have any money. I scrounged around and found 75 cents - in pennies! I walked the mile to get there with my little brown bag of pennies and (thank God there...
  15. Lunachick

    You Feathered Friends lost one of your own.

    I'm so sorry.......
  16. Lunachick about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    I love it that you kissed a leaf! There's something about growing things........just love it. At least you have the warmer weather to do the growing, I have to wait til May to plant things outside, but winter I have a houseful of plants - I actually have to duck under some of them to get to...
  17. Lunachick

    We will miss you Deerman

    I think of him often. Usually I'm in the hen house and wonder about him. Such a good soul.
  18. Lunachick about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Wow, I just noticed......6 years already????
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