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  1. LilRalphieRoosmama

    Cindys Spicy Pickled Quail Eggs

    Ingredients: 4 doz. quail eggs 2 pint canning jars/lids/rings, sterilized 3 cups white vinegar (5% acidity) 4 tsp. canning/pickling salt 1 heaping tbsp cayenne pepper (or more to taste) 6 cloves garlic, crushed 12-15 peppercorns 10-15 whole allspice berries 2 tsp. mustard seed 1 large onion...
  2. LilRalphieRoosmama

    June 13 2009

    Wow - I clicked on my page by accident and can't belive I haven't updated it in almost a year! So much has changed! Where to start...button quail: I've had my fill of the little buggers. They've been kind to me but I have so many other birds and so little time; something has to go. I sold...
  3. LilRalphieRoosmama

    Lilralphieroosmamas Page

    July 8, 2008 Welcome! As I write this, I'm am "patiently" (yeah right) on day 18 of my first ever chicken hatch. I'm not a patient person, so the waiting is killing me. I think it's a Leo thing. My name is Cindy and I live in Ohio. I have two children, a boy and a girl, ages 15 and 18...
  4. LilRalphieRoosmama

    ducks breeding

    I'm surprised yours haven't started yet. They usually start mating shortly after the males get their drake feathers. Egg laying starts probably a month, maybe two months later. Our runners that hatched late July/early August started laying eggs about 2-3 weeks ago. Your ducks are very pretty!!
  5. LilRalphieRoosmama

    Bumblefoot surgery Update - RIP Duckie :(

    We went through that last winter with our ducks. We took the worst one to the vet who put her on antibiotics and metacam (anti-inflammatory) but I don't know if it really helped. We soaked her foot in saltwater, then peroxide, and tried to pick the core out. We did this every night for...I...
  6. LilRalphieRoosmama

    Knit Caps w/Ear Flaps?

    ...from inside of ball, with CC1 and larger needles, cast on 3 sts. Using yarn from outside of ball, cast on 3 more sts onto the same needle – 6 sts. **NOTE: MY YARN ALWAYS TANGLES SO I'D USE TWO SEPARATE BALLS** Row 1 (RS) *[K 1, M1] 2 times, k 1; repeat from * on second set of sts – 5 sts...
  7. LilRalphieRoosmama


    Here's a website with a bunch of great hat patterns:
  8. LilRalphieRoosmama

    Best Ever Quail Feeder

    These feeders are AWESOME! No more wasted feed!
  9. LilRalphieRoosmama


    I'm CSzabo on Ravelry and I have a children's hat pattern on my project page. I knit them for my nieces for Christmas and they were easy and quick. I forgot about the search engine but yes - it's a wonderful feature!
  10. LilRalphieRoosmama


    Check out - it's free and they have a ton of great free patterns. I've found alot of easy hat patterns there and have learned alot. If you want to learn how to do a specific stitch, just do a search on the stitch name. There's alot of videos out there that show you step by...
  11. LilRalphieRoosmama

    Best Ever Quail Feeder

    You won't be disappointed!
  12. LilRalphieRoosmama

    Best EVER quail feeder *UPDATE #46*

    Good news! Jim is still making these feeders and joined BYC! Here's a link to his auction!
  13. LilRalphieRoosmama

    Best Ever Quail Feeder

    YES!!! These are awesome!!! Jim, welcome to BYC!!
  14. LilRalphieRoosmama


    Hi Andrea and !!
  15. LilRalphieRoosmama

    Are there bugs your chickens just won't eat?

    Ours won't eat ants. They seem to prefer flies and moths to anything that crawls.
  16. LilRalphieRoosmama

    How we got started & hooked on Chickens

    Great stories!!! We were at the county fair and DD said she wished we could have chickens. That started it! We knew nothing about them or had ever even thought of raising chickens! DH (at that time, DBF) went online to and ordered 16 or 17 peeps. That was about 3 years ago...
  17. LilRalphieRoosmama

    Repeated hawk attacks - can't cover yard....distractions?

    Wish I had some words of encouragement, but unfortunately I don't. I tried cd's and a plastic owl on a pole. It worked for a while until they got smart and ignored them. The hawks (coopers and red tails) managed to kill almost all of my chickens even though I had an enclosed pen and a garage...
  18. LilRalphieRoosmama

    Air cell at the little end - day 11 **update!**

    To update: the egg hatched just fine. We hatched 20 out of 23 runner duck eggs and I have no idea which one it is but all are ok. We layed it on its side and the air cell moved from the little end over the top of the egg. The duckling pipped out just fine, with no help at all.
  19. LilRalphieRoosmama

    101 reasons we love ducks

    203. They KNOW when you have tomatoes!!
  20. LilRalphieRoosmama


    !!! Might want to check out Meyer Hatchery in Polk OH. Good luck and welcome!
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