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  1. augustmomx2

    Indy Chicken Resources

    Local Chicken Resources After having chickens for over 2 years in Indianapolis, I have been on the search for chicken items. Not only chicken items, but chicken items that are priced reasonably & are easy (for the most part ) to navigate. Also, in this chicken quest, I have become very aware &...
  2. augustmomx2

    Cornish Stats Info

    Cornish Xs I purchased 15 cornish Xs through Ideal Hatchery, March 2010 with my layers. All made it fine and mostly all survived to almost adulthood 8 females + 7 males = 15 chickens Weight per Chicken (1) 6.32 lbs (2) 7.01 (3) 6.06 (4) 6.29 (5) 6.43 (6) 7.11 (7)...
  3. My Ideal Hatchery Chickens

    My Ideal Hatchery Chickens

    My Girls from IDEAL Hatchery(and a few roos) I have seen several posts recently in regards to examples of different hatchery chickens. I know some prefer a private breeder, but in my opinion, to each is own. I live in a suburban/urban area and need the option of sexing my chicks. I have...
  4. Augustmomx2s Page

    Augustmomx2s Page

    Chickens...Really? Welcome to my BYC home page! The above statement pretty much represents everyone's reaction when I decided to bring some girls into our family. I live in Indy & not many people around here have chickens. Those animals are for the "farmers" in the country, not the citizens...
  5. augustmomx2

    Raccoon ripped off skin under wing...Can we eat it still?

    Thanks guys...time to put the poor thing out of his misery So close to butcher time too...
  6. augustmomx2

    Raccoon ripped off skin under wing...Can we eat it still?

    I live in an urban/suburban setting, however, we still have raccoons. Pretty sure one got a 7wk old cx roo last night and ripped a portion of his skin off. Its removed right under the wing, and kind of "flapping" if you will Anyways, I usually send my meaties to be processed by an amish...
  7. augustmomx2

    Rant Alert: Baby Animals are NOT Toys

    This is a rambling rant of mine and I apologize on the front-end In the spring I had ordered some baby chicks and its a "big" event in our house, with preparation etc. I spoke to a "friend" of mine about it, (using the term loosly, she is the mom of my kids' friends) and she suddenly had...
  8. augustmomx2

    Toppled Waterer, Traumatized Owner & Saved by a Dryer

    Thanks everyone for your kind words So far, so good w/the chicks. I went to TSC last night and bought some electrolyte stuff to put in their water (I think its called Sav-A-Chick, so appropriate) Everyone is eating and drinking well...I will definitely keep my eye out for any hints of...
  9. augustmomx2

    Toppled Waterer, Traumatized Owner & Saved by a Dryer

    ...home and my husband refuses to touch chickens (weird I know, a whole other thread) so when I got home there was a terrible sight. Out of the 15: *4 were dry *2 were kinda wet *6 were soaked to the bone, eyes closed, gasping for breath *3 were dead I grabbed the 6 that were barely alive...
  10. augustmomx2

    concerned for a friend personal safety & $ **update pg 17**

    Wow...she needs to watch "Who the *bleep* Did I Marry?" On Investigative Discovery...hats off to you for having her best interests @ heart
  11. augustmomx2

    What breed is your broody?

    I have 2, a buff silkie (only a few mos after the other one finally finished) & a Mille Fleur D'Uccle. Last time, the chicks were a silkie/duccle mix, this time I smartened up and pulled all the silkie eggs (only have a duccle roo). My silkie is sitting on 5 duccle eggs and the duccle is...
  12. augustmomx2

    Vacuum sealing before the rest period?

    I had 25 meaties processed last Wednesday and had all 25 vacuum sealed. I allowed them to rest in the fridge 48hrs and froze 22 of them. The other 3 I cut-up and used for various meals. All the meat was tender, and DELISH! It was a lot easier and cleaner as well
  13. augustmomx2

    "Good" egg laying bantam...anyone know of any?

    I have 2 buff silkies and 2 mille fleur duccles and get on average 3 eggs per day from them They all lay very well and they are in their second year as well. They lay much better (on average) than my "layers."
  14. augustmomx2

    1st time processing turkey tips

    I found this link to be more than helpful...not that I've butchered a turkey, or chicken for that matter Its from BYC's sister-site
  15. augustmomx2

    Killing and butchering your own birds

    Quote: Love this analogy
  16. augustmomx2

    raising meat birds in a suburban environment? Update!

    We live in city limits on about 3/4 of an acre. I am on my 3rd batch of meaties and will never go back I raise 25 CornishXs in a tractor, that does not move. I layer straw and DE to keep the smell down and after they are gone, allow the area to compost a little on its own, scrape it into my...
  17. augustmomx2

    How do you transport meaties to butcher?

    I put them in the back of my husband's truck, use something to keep them confined to the back (leftover carpet pad, boxes, etc) so they are not sliding all over and unload them @ the processors. My processor has those yellow crates already to go when we get there, since I'm sure they are...
  18. augustmomx2

    Mille Fleur D'uccle & Buff Silkie Baby Chick Pics

    I had 7 chicks hatch out of 10 eggs from my Buff Silkie girls and D'uccle roo. One, unfortunately, one died & the other 3 didn't have successful hatches But the 6 remaining look so completely different! The glare makes this one seem more "silvery," its actually darker This one is yellow...
  19. augustmomx2

    Composting poop for your garden. Biggest mistakes.

    I have a very large pile of poo, shavings, straw and really don't do squat with it I'm a lazy composter! However, I wanted to point out don't forget to visit BYC's sister-site : They have some great info on composting in there
  20. augustmomx2

    1st Timer w/Broody Silkie, about to hatch...comments requested!

    Quote: Thanks for all of the info Unfortunately, I don't have an incubator but may invest in one after this stressful hatch I have some poultry dust I will sprinkle in there and this morning...another one had hatched
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