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  1. alohachickens

    4 Week Crested Cream Legbars

    Ordered 10 Swedish Flower + 4 CCL pullets from Bresse Farms. Got 13 chicks (*one was missing from order.) 2 look like Swedish, 1 looks like a CCL pullet. 7 look like these in the pics - barred wings, etc. Definitely not Swedish Flower, but numbers are wrong for the CCL hens, because I only...
  2. alohachickens

    "Show Quality" Naked Neck / Turken Body Type?

    Offshoot from another conversation on BYC - some of us were wondering - what does a "show quality" Naked Neck look like? Curious on body, tail, etc. I have a chicken project I am working on and found the Naked Necks from Privett Hatchery stock were a great addition. But there are so many...
  3. alohachickens

    Win This Awesome Chicken Gift Basket! (And help my Stepdad go to Vegas.)

    Hey Everyone! I hope you can help! And . . . there are goodies for you!!! ****WIN THIS BASKET FREE**** My stepdad is a finalist in a cooking contest. Top 10 finalists go to Vegas to compete LIVE! The problem? Top 10 Finalists are determined by Facebook Vote. Did I...
  4. alohachickens

    My Chicken Has Blue Eyes - Does Yours?

    I hatched a chick out that has blue/orange marbled eyes - just like an Aussie dog! I was wondering if anyone else has ever had something like this happen? If so, I would love to see pictures! Please share photos of any blue eyes in chickens. There was an older thread from 2010 about blue...
  5. alohachickens

    Where to Report Scammers on BYC?

    I was emailed by someone who appears to be the classic scammer. I have just blocked this member. However, I worry others on here might not be aware of this scam? Where do we post suspicious members to? Of course no way would I fall for this old scam, but for anyone reading, this is what...
  6. alohachickens

    How do I keep this color? Plus add size?

    Hey there chicken color experts! (Or anyone who might have a clue.) I need help. I have been working on this mottled strain of chickens for a few years. Now, I love the color of the following hens and it DOES breed true as I've had it now appear on about a dozen hens that myself and my...
  7. alohachickens

    Aloha Chicks - 25+ LIVE CHICKS -Will Ship Anywhere!

    I started a project years ago, before Swedish Flower Hens were imported to the US, to try and re-create the breed here from existing American stock. I was helped by a very odd banty of unknown breeding, who had the most unusual color. You can read all about the project here...
  8. alohachickens

    Wanted: Buff Sussex Hatching Eggs (or Buff Sussex Cross)

    Title says it all, looking for Buff Sussex hatching eggs. Will pay reasonable price. (This "wanted" ad requires you to put a price up, but I don't know what these eggs are selling for because I can't find any for sale!) We might want to wait for things to cool off for shipping, it's 115 here...
  9. alohachickens

    Is Lemon the same as Buff?

    I've searched through a bunch of threads trying to get an answer to this, and it just gets more confusing and muddled! Most threads have to do with Lemon Cuckoo or Lemon Blue projects. But neither are answering the most basic question that I'm curious about. Is the color "LEMON" the same...
  10. alohachickens

    The "What Color Is My Chicken?" thread! Calling all color experts!

    Hi! After seeing some posts on here with really COOL chicken colors (and not knowing what the heck they are) I thought it would be fun for everyone to have a place to post photos of their "mystery color" chickens for feedback and info from the gurus of chicken color that lucky for all of us...
  11. alohachickens

    Three Roos - One Pen? Who's the Daddy?

    Hope this is the right spot for this question! I have several lovely roos in a pen with my hens. Ok, so I've read online that once a roo covers a hen, usually the second or third egg the hens lays after that, is fertile by that rooster. Furthermore, I have read online that the hen's...
  12. alohachickens

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    Since this program is so far along, I've decided to set up a new thread for it. What is the "Aloha Chicken Project"? A few years ago, before Greenfire Farms imported the fabulous Swedish Flower Hens, I set about trying to create an American version of it. Now that Greenfire has imported the...
  13. alohachickens

    Leg Bands for Tracking Growth

    I'm working on a breeding project right now, and am having trouble keeping track of my chicks from hatch to adulthood, and have been thinking of using colored leg bands to track their growth. Problem was, all I saw online was assortments of leg bands in ONE size. But, I wanted the same color...
  14. alohachickens

    "Lazy Eye" Surgery (Strabismus) Have you or a family member had it?

    Hey, posted this in the "Family Life" section, because this is usually a pediatric issue! When I was a baby, I was born with crossed eyes. They were surgically corrected when I was seven months, and it worked great until I hit my 30's! When I was extremely tired, sometimes an eye would...
  15. alohachickens

    Speckled Sussex Hatchery Birds - Where did you get yours?

    I'm thinking of ordering a batch of Speckled Sussex this fall. Considering ordering from Ideal Poultry, who were excellent last time I ordered, but I never bought Speckled Sussex from them. Anyone have photos of Speckled Sussex from Ideal? Also considering Cackle . . . and I know there are...
  16. alohachickens

    Aloha Chicken Project Eggs

    I have been working for the last few years on an exciting new project! The idea is to create something like a "Speckled Sussex" - a dual purpose, average sized, good layer, but something that comes in many more exciting mottled colors, like blue mottled, gold mottled, some with more white and...
  17. alohachickens

    Dun/Chocolate/Pumpkin what???

    Hey all! I posted an earlier thread about a weird chicken color that appeared in my flock. I don't know what it is. Here's the thread with pics of my chickens: Anyway, I got this weird all red roo - no black. He has...
  18. alohachickens

    Dun? Chocolate? What *IS* this color???

    Hey everyone! Update from Aloha Chicken world . . . where I'm working on a multi-colored mottled breed. (Web site here: ) Anyway, I did a "test hatch" in November with my new stock, hatched out about 25 chicks and culled, culled, culled down to four. Now, one...
  19. alohachickens

    Wanted: Random Clicks of Kindness!

    Hey BYC'ers! Today is Monday, Feb 28th. It's the very last day of this online recipe contest that I entered - the winner is the one with the MOST VOTES by contest's end, which is tonight at Midnight (Midwestern time.) I entered a couple of these contests, not for myself, but for my little...
  20. alohachickens

    Poodle Cupcake - Online Recipe Contest - Check it out and vote!

    Hey all! I entered a cupcake contest, winner is one with MOST VOTES. Money would be used for a hobby event that I'm holding, had to rent out a banquet hall and I'm giving out these fab rosettes to winners. Totally not for profit. All my hobby friends are voting but it's still not enough...
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