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  1. SunriseChickers

    When to start weeder geese to make good holiday feasts?

    Howdy folks! This is my first time venturing into the Geese forum. My folks have been discussing weeder geese for a while, and using them as Christmas and Thanksgiving dinner after the growing season. This summer, my boyfriend and I are planting a garden on my folks' land, and I was thinking it...
  2. SunriseChickers

    Five Week old chicks, one Delaware is a lot bigger, cockerel?

    Edit: Resolved. Last page has rooster pics. :) Hello! We got six chicks from Meyer hatchery in late May, and they were supposed to be pullets. They are now just under five weeks of age, and one of them, Kahlua, is quite a bit bigger. This chick also has a larger comb and is starting to get a...
  3. SunriseChickers

    Hen uninterested in feed, seems almost tired?

    For the sake of the read, I will first condense my observations, then I will go on my long winded story that may contain other important things. Symptoms, short version: Two year old Golden Laced Wyandotte hen checks out as all good physically, abdomen not swollen or hard, crop seems normal, no...
  4. SunriseChickers

    Chick isn't growing

    We got some new chicks from Rural King last week. They are all approximately the same age, give or take a day I'd reckon. We noticed about yesterday that the Golden Laced Wyandotte just isn't growing like the others. She's noticeably smaller, and her feathering is behind. The others started...
  5. SunriseChickers

    All the Christian Homeschoolers!

    Calling all Christian Homeschoolers! Whether you're still in schooling or are well graduated, all ages of homeschoolers are welcome! I know there's a good many hiding out on here and I'd love for us to have our own little community. I have been homeschooled for my entire life. Some of my worst...
  6. SunriseChickers

    Hen in pain? Panting, won't move

    My hen hasn't been moving around very much for quite some time. A few weeks ago she started hanging out in the coop more, still getting out to eat and drink and hang with the roo. This week she has stopped leaving the coop. She is not broody, but we thought she was in the beginning. She's been...
  7. SunriseChickers

    What the heck came out of my chicken?! Officially concerned!

    Opened the coop this morning to find this thing. What the heck? I have three hens, one rooster. They haven't laid recently, probably because I haven't kept up on getting them their oyster shells recently(no layer pellets because of the rooster), I don't know if it has anything to do with the...
  8. SunriseChickers

    *GRAPHIC* Chicken dead, eggs smashed, dead birds... Halloween mystery?

    Saturday morning I found my 3/yo WPR Salena in the corner of the coop with her neck ripped out. There was blood smeared on the walls and in splotches and puddles around her. We buried her under a tree at the bottom of a hill next to where we buried our only other chicken that had ever died...
  9. SunriseChickers

    Found a Lash Egg. :(

    Found a small lash egg two days ago. I can't see any of my hens displaying and obvious symptoms, and I couldn't tell if anyone's abdomen was swollen or abnormal through touch. Not sure what to do! I can't tell who's laid it. This is the first lash egg I've gotten. I suspect it's one of my five...
  10. SunriseChickers

    Young Rooster with swollen foot, no visible injury

    Just this morning I noticed that my 9 month old rooster was limping around on his left foot. I went out and was able to pick him up and spend some time thoroughly investigating his foot(he's a good boy about that, stayed still the whole time).The pad of his foot is swollen quite a bit, and it's...
  11. SunriseChickers

    What just happened?

    A little something happened a few nights ago that made me laugh. Twilight, one of my big girls, was walking from the small coop to the big, warm coop the be shut up for the night. The sun had set, and it was rather dark, so I had a flashlight. I took my flashlight off her for one second and she...
  12. SunriseChickers


    Buckeye chick, about three months old, wouldn't come out from under coop, got her out, keeps sleeping, brought her inside. She fell off the brooder boxes when we put her in, so we took her into the house. Please help1!!
  13. SunriseChickers

    CHICK FELL IS INJURED! Please help!!!

    I picked up my three-day-old GLW chick to give her some love, and a minute later she looked down and jumped straight from my hands! She fell about four feet and bounced on the bedding. She's limping now and doesn't want to stand. Please help!!! Edit: she stood for a minute, but she's back down...
  14. SunriseChickers

    Sunset's Expedition

    I have five birds(RIP Tempest [#6]), Twilight, Salena, Droplet, Sundae, and Sunset. Twilight and Salena are the only ones to have ever been broody(aside from Tempest). Today I opened the coop door aaand... "SquAAAAAAK SQUEEEEEEEE!" it sounded like screaming! Sunset, I think, is now broody for...
  15. SunriseChickers

    Keeping the wild birds from getting the feed

    Every summer I have this problem, and my chicken pen is getting increasingly popular amongst the wild bunch every week. The wild birds - mostly a growing flock of sparrows that adore our property - are eating and drinking EVERYTHING! Just yesterday evening, I filled up the very inconvenient...
  16. SunriseChickers

    Mink Attack, Please Help!!

    Yesterday sometime after lunch and before dusk a mink somehow got into the pen and killed everyone's favorite girl, a large fluffy glw with the sweetest personality named Tempest. It ripped her throat out and left feathers everywhere. We put out the live trap with canned chicken as bait...
  17. SunriseChickers

    How to integrate chicks?

    Hello everyone. I'm going to be getting some chicks soon, but I have absolutely no idea how to integrate them! I want to integrate them early so the girls can teach them a thing or two and so they can get along well. My girls are in a totally closed pen. I have an old dog crate I have access to...
  18. SunriseChickers

    Wild duck nest, water isn't close.

    So this morning my sister discovered a duck nest while she was out walking the dog. There are seven eggs so far, and we are fairly certain they are Mallards. Like the title suggests, there is no water within a half mile of our house. We live on a road out in the country so there aren't many...
  19. SunriseChickers

    Missing Chicken :'(

    So tonight, around 9, I went out to put away my six girls. Usually there are a couple on the saw horses from last year's construction of the big coop, one or two on the top of the little coop, and one or two inside the little coop. Tonight there were four perched on the saw horse, one in the...
  20. SunriseChickers

    Swollen feet in two chickens

    I noticed that one of my RIRs had a swollen spot in the same place on both of her feet, so I started looking at the others. I found that my WPR has it worse(more swollen) than the RIR, but only in her left foot. The WPR didn't seem to be in any pain when I pushed on it. I'm rather worried. Any...
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