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  1. Mallards and Quail

    Pictures of my flock.

    Hey everyone! I just wanted to share some pictures of my flock. This includes all of my animals. Hope you all enjoy!
  2. Mallards and Quail

    Is this duck in pain?

    Hey everyone. This morning I walked out to my aviary and noticed my ring teal drake flapping his wings but it seems like he can’t? He gives about half a pump and then folds them back in. He has his right wing clipped but it almost as if he is in pain doing so. Does anyone know why my ring teal...
  3. Mallards and Quail

    Ring Teal and NA Pintails

    Hey everyone! I recently got my first pair of Ring teal a few months back and I am currently in the process of building them a much bigger aviary. I was wondering if anyone had some tips on how to make them happier? Also, how big of a nesting box do they need? (I have 2 boxes already, but I just...
  4. Mallards and Quail

    Aviary Ideas

    Hey everyone. I wanted to build a new aviary specifically for ornamental duck species. About 3 months ago my previous aviary started to deteriorate and didn’t have safe living conditions for my birds so I decided to start new. That said I am still new to keeping exotic ducks so any help is...
  5. Mallards and Quail

    New Ducks

    Hey everyone! I just got a new pair of ring teal in today. I thought some of you may want to see some pics.
  6. Mallards and Quail

    Ring Teal

    Hey everyone! I needed your input on something. I currently have a pair of ring teal that I took out of my aviary because they were being picked on by my other ducks. I only have a 5x10x6 enclosure on hand currently. I believe 50 square feet. Inside I have a perch for them, a 40 gallon tank to...
  7. Mallards and Quail

    Gambels quail for sale

    Hi everyone! I hatched 31 gambels quail earlier this year. I didn't expect to hatch so many, and due to the fact I'm only keeping 10 of them I would like to sell the remaining 21. They range in age from 4-9 weeks old. Each order must consist of 2+ birds. (I only have 5 male and female pairs...
  8. Mallards and Quail

    Gambels Quail

    I hatched 31 gambels quail earlier this year. I didn't expect to hatch so many, and due to the fact I'm only keeping 10 of them I would like to sell the remaining 21. They range in age from 4-9 weeks old. Each order must consist of 2+ birds. (I only have 5 male and female pairs left) I would...
  9. Mallards and Quail

    Help with pheasants.

    Hi everyone! I was thinking of getting a pheasant or 2 for my aviary. Would they do good with quail at all? Or would I have to separate them? How many sq ft. Does each pheasant require? What breed do you all recommend? The quail I currently have are gambels and scaled if that makes a difference.
  10. Mallards and Quail

    Quail medication

    As many of you may know already, I am hatching gambels quail. I was wondering if there was some type of medication I should have on hand before they hatch? I have never needed to use medication for any of my chicks, courtnix, and ducks but I know that gambels can be tricky to raise and more...
  11. Mallards and Quail

    Im confused.

    So, I have something that is kinda crazy going on with an egg right now. Today is day 13 of 23 for the incubation if gambel quail eggs. I candled this certain egg and it is incredibly dark inside the egg. I can't see anything in it which is usually a sign that is about to hatch but the problem...
  12. Mallards and Quail

    Humidity affect on quail eggs.

    Hello! So to start off I have 12 quail eggs in my incubator (gambels quail eggs). I am getting 30 more this week. I had ordered the 30 eggs to arrive the same week as the 12 eggs but the seller shipped the 12 eggs a week earlier than the 30 other eggs. This meaning they will hatch a week sooner...
  13. Mallards and Quail

    Quail hatch. Follow along.

    Hello! I made this thread for anyone who would want to follow along on this quail hatch. I received 12 gambels quail eggs today. I let them sit for 6 hours and they went into the incubaot an hour ago. This is day 1.
  14. Mallards and Quail

    Gambel quail eggs. HELP!

    Hello! I have just recently received 12 gambels quail eggs earlier than expected. I had a question about my nurture right 360 that I have just recently purchased. Should I keep the air vent closed or halfway closed for the majority of the incubation period until lockdown? I also have 30 more...
  15. Mallards and Quail

    Permit for Mallards?

    Hello! I live in Texas and I was wondering if I needed a permit to keep mallards? They are a gamebird in my state. On the game bird breeders liscense that I viewed it said I needed it for propaganda or selling of the game bird or egg. I would not be doing any of that but would much rather raise...
  16. Mallards and Quail

    Permit for gambels quail.

    Hello! I was wondering if I needed a permit to raise gambel quail in texas? I have read the rules and regulations on game bird breeders liscense but I don't plan on selling the eggs, however if they do decide to breed and lay eggs would I legally be allowed to take the eggs and incubate them? Or...
  17. Mallards and Quail


    Hello! I was thinking of getting some mallard ducklings soon and I was wondering if a few people could share their experiences with me. Thank you!
  18. Mallards and Quail

    Keeping mallards.

    Hello! I was wondering if anyone could share insight on how to keep mallards. I would like to get a few, they are a beautiful breed and are so majestic in flight. I wanted to get some for our property, I was wondering if it would be okay to let them free range during the day and put them up in...
  19. Mallards and Quail

    Gambel quail hatch rate and settings for incubator

    Hello! I was wondering if anyone has had experience with hatching shipped gambels quail eggs? I have recently ordered 30 that are going to arrive at the end April to beginning of may. I have heard that some don't have good hatch rates with gambels quail but others said they have. If anyone could...
  20. Mallards and Quail

    HI! Im a new member.

    I am a new member of BYC and I am already loving it! I wanted to join BYC as I am just getting into raising quail, although I thought it was gonna be easy I was surely mistaken, but thanks to the other helpful forums on this site I was able to fix my problems.
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