barred rock

  1. Barred Rock Hen

    Barred Rock Hen

    Scratchin’ around lookin’ for bugs!
  2. Barred Rock Hen

    Barred Rock Hen

    Just gave her dried mealworms.. so spoiled 😅
  3. Barred Rock hen laying an egg

    Barred Rock hen laying an egg

    Scoop laying an egg cutely!
  4. E

    Which is bigger - Wyandottes or Barred Rock

    Last year, I picked up 6 chicks - 3 Australorps and 3 Light Brahmas. They were all supposed to be females, but one of the Brahmas ended up a rooster. While I'm thrilled to have him, I hadn't planned for him (by the time we knew he was a rooster, there were no more chicks to be had locally)...
  5. PsychicKrystal

    Hi! I'm Krystal!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am relatively new to raising chickens though my best friend has had them for over thirty years so I feel like I've learned a lot in the past six months or so that I've been raising them. All of my birds have been raised from 2-3...
  6. W

    Limping/lame chicken

    Hello all, My barred rock started not wanting to use her right leg/limping yesterday. I came home to her hopping around on it. She holds it out front of her while moving, and she lays with it kinda out to the side. She's still eating/drinking and going outside into the run etc, just isn't quite...
  7. NinjaGamer2022

    Barred Rock Poll - Love, Hate, or Neutral, you vote.

    I have personally had a great experience with this breed. How has your experience been? Vote and/or comment your opinion if you wish. Thx,
  8. beackers

    What should I do?

    Hi, My Plymouth Barred Rock has been limping and has rales. Any idea on what's going on? She has been limping for over a month, and sits under the waterer (nipple type, we installed them on a Home Depot 5-gal bucket) (probably Kestin score of 2-3) and we noticed her breathing was watery (through...
  9. jgarruto

    Copper Marans X Cockerels - South Central Montana

    Have about 8 cockerels for give away. Dad is a Copper Marans and very gentle. He is a bit henplucked, LOL. Moms are also well dispositioned.... Salmon Faverolle, Barred Rock, Light Ameraucana, and Dark Ameraucana. Believe the gray chick to be the Light Ameraucana cross. Both Salmon Faverolle...
  10. K

    Plymouth Rock Roo x Welsummer Hen

    Hi, I THINK this is a BR Roo x Wel Hen. It’s a pretty chick admittedly but I’m not sure whether having a BR Roo makes it sex linked and I was wondering if anyone has seen this pattern before?
  11. montanabirdlady

    New Member in Montana!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am completely new to chickens! My grandmother grew up with my great grandmother and they raised meat birds, and lived off the grid homesteading. I got my first chickens late April this year. (2) How many chickens do you have right...
  12. G

    20week old Barred Rock Pullets

    Hello fellow chicken momma’s! My 5 20week old barred rocks pullets are consistently kicking their ceramics eggs out of their nesting boxes, 4 out of the 5 are squatting, and they are more vocal then ever. All these behaviors started about 2weeks ago. Could this mean their FINALLY going to lay...
  13. B

    Is this normal pullet appearance

    I got this little one has a baby. She was sold as a orpington but as her feathers came in it was obvious she was not. Pretty sure she’s a barred rock. She has the paint wash legs, had a spot on her head as a baby. But now at 5/6 weeks I’ve notice waddles coming in.. her comb is yellow but the...
  14. POD


  15. M

    Sexing Barred Rock Chicks

    Hi everyone! Yesterday my first lot of barred rock chicks hatched! Is anyone here familiar with sexing them at a day old? After reading google and looking at head spot and leg colouring, I think I have 3 pullets and 2 cockerels. Would anyone else agree by looking at their head colouring? Thanks!
  16. L

    My most grown up Chicken

    This is Jaime. I have four Barred Rock (20wks) which are from a local farm store, pullets.This chicken is the first to have the full comb and her tail is spreading out. We are wondering if we got that 5% chicken that may be a rooster in the pullet bin. I'd love to hear your insight. What...
  17. lbell908

    I thought it was a rooster

    Then my cousin said it was a hen. 13 week barred rock. What do you think?
  18. J

    Pullet or?….5 weeks barred rocks

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