
  1. crunchygranola

    Would starlight green eggers take baby chicks as their own?

    I’m a brand new chicken owner with my first flock of chickies. I bought 6 SGEs from Tractor Supply, and I think they’re thriving well. I am planning on getting a few of them butchered to make room for some more chickens (per my city’s regulations) and I was wondering: if I introduce new baby...
  2. thoeffel1994

    Blow torch on ducks small pin feathers?

    I'm processing some ducks and didn't do the waxing method like I had in the past. Is it true that I can take a blow torch to the skin and it will burn all the tiny pin feathers. My birds have a lot of small tiny feather under the skin only slightly poking out.
  3. K

    I don't know if I can do this...

    So, we're raising 18 chickens for butcher this summer. They are about 10/12 weeks old now. Today when I put them to bed, my 4 year old daughter wanted to help me. She was out in the run herding them in while I opened the door for them when one of the roosters attacked her. This was one that...
  4. ChickChic00


    Would feeding my young chickens (8weeks old) fish once or twice a week along with their current feed help them bulk up in muscle meat? They are mixed breeds that I hatched out. Delaware, Rhode island red, black Australorp, Barred rock, and Buff Orpington are the Mothers. Father is about 7-7.5...
  5. PerturbedPanther

    ISO Butcher/Processor Near Sussex, NJ

    I am looking for a butcher/processor in or near Sussex County, NJ. I have too many drakes. My daily farm chores are now being serenaded by the constant QUACK QUACK QUACK HEH of ducks doing the diddly.
  6. yardn_gardn

    Feeding Dual Purpose Breeds for the Freezer

    Now that the hatch and the teenager stage is over, it is time to separate the roosters. Their breeds are New Hampshire Reds, Ameraucana, and Welsummer. While those breeds might not all be considered dual purpose breeds, they are for me. Fortunately only six out of the eighteen ended up being...
  7. Fordfunnyfarm

    Need help marketing!

    I am raising both meat chickens and turkeys for thanksgiving. I have the proper permits and place to butcher them myself but I’m wondering how I can best market this and get my name out there any suggestions would be helpful also when and how should I market Thanksgiving turkeys is it too early...
  8. F

    Accidentally cut the crop

    Hey everyone! First time butchering one of my roosters and as I was doing it I believe I cut the crop (the balloon type thing on the esophagus) . I was wondering if I still removed it, if it is safe to still eat the chicken? It looked like there wasn't anything in the crop when it happened. Any...
  9. chickenchicklady

    Please help! Sick meatbirds

    Hello! I have a flock of 25 meatbirds. I posted the other day asking if my chickens is coccidiosis with no response, they’re showing new symptoms and what I thought was bloody stool, wasn’t. So I’m ruling out coccidiosis. Their new symptoms are sneezing and wheezing. They all seem to be eating...
  10. LizzzyJo

    Earliest time to butcher a Wyandotte??

    I have a troublesome 8 week old Wyandotte cockerel. He was bullied a bit by the hens and now he is getting mean. It’s time for him to serve his purpose. But, what is the earliest week to butcher where I would get any amount of usable meat? Like I’m thinking a little Cornish hen sized amount of...
  11. QuailFeather

    Butchering a quail with a disease?

    I have a female Golden Manchurian Coturnix quail that is suffering. She keeps falling over and can't get to the feed or water. I see no bruising or swelling or any other sort of disease. Is it okay if I butcher it? I have to know very soon because today is the only day I can do it.
  12. QuailFeather

    Help! Quail has lame foot and can't eat or drink!

    I have a female manchurian golden quail which has a lame foot. I just figured this out 30 minutes ago. My dad said we should butcher it, should we? I put it in a separate cage on the grass with food and water right by it. It is 69 fahrenheit out right now. Please help!
  13. PNWhens

    Trim Fat for Roast?

    Hello! Preparing to butcher a chicken here in a few weeks and I would like to now if any of you trim the yellow fat deposits on your birds (if theres any) or just leave it for roasting. Also: I heard they taste better than store bought, and opinions?
  14. Anita Scott

    Injured Tom

    We had 6 of our bbb survive. They are 3 months old. A couple of weeks ago, one of my birds attacked my tom on the upper part of his wing. Not sure what kind of bird, rooster, guinea or another tom. He couldn't stand, but we doctored him up and seperated him from the others. It has been 2 weeks...
  15. guardianoftheflock

    Question about butchering #2

    Howdy y'all! I have a strange sorta question. I've been butchering today and was wondering, should you wait any amount of time before eating the meat? Like...is there some sorta curing process? Thanks in advance for y'all's help!:):)
  16. guardianoftheflock

    Question about butchering

    Hi y'all! I was wondering about somethin'. So, I am in the process of butchering and while most of the chicken's craws cleaned out, one did not. The craw was punctured while gutting. Is the chicken still okay to eat or is the meat tainted? Thanks in advance for your answers!
  17. C

    Butchering Quail Without Beheading

    So, I've a dumb question for y'all. I need to butcher a quail tomorrow, an aggressive and poorly behaved rooster that I can't afford to keep with the rest of my little flock. He'll go in my freezer and be delicious once I cook him. However, he's beautiful, and I'm pretty experienced in skinning...
  18. TheGonzo

    Poultry Evisceration Tools

    Hello! Does anyone have experince with industrial evisceration tools? I am processing at least 100 birds every year and it would be nice to cut down on time. Especially an evisceration fork would be helpful. Does anyone know where to get one?
  19. E

    How does age affect meat in different birds?

    So, I'm trying to compile some information for butchering a wide variety of poultry. There isn't much in the way of information online to be found. I realize that butchering a chicken that is over 6 months, or so, old makes it a tough meat. I am wondering how age affects geese, ducks, quail...
  20. aealbin

    Butchering 17 week old Buff Orps and New Hampshire Reds?

    Hey all, This is my first go round with raising chickens. These chicks hatched 17 weeks ago and I got 6 each, straight run Buff Orps, New Hampshire reds, and Silver-laced Wyandottes. I ended up with 4 BO & NHR roos, and 3 SLW roos. I let them free range but there are just too many and they are...
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