chicken eggs

  1. Vhope77

    How long after 21 days

    how long after 21 days do you guys leave any eggs that haven’t hatched in the incubator ?
  2. A Simple Guide to Hatching Chicken Eggs

    A Simple Guide to Hatching Chicken Eggs

    Hatching Chickens can be a fun and educational experience for the entire family. How cool is it to watch a small egg turn into a tiny life! And of course when these chicks grow up, your understanding of chickens and their life cycle can be quite rewarding, something you will never forget. So how...
  3. Bettyboop7499

    What is the Size of Your Chalazae...

    Hello BYC! My chicks have stopped laying, so when I ran out of eggs I bought "organic" from the store. What I noticed was these white twisting String like things in the eggs-everyone! After research I learned that these are called Chalazae and they help stabilize the yoke in the center of the...
  4. T

    Chicken egg regulations along with meat regulations(Louisiana)

    Anyone know the regulations and how to sell eggs and meat legally in Louisiana? I messaged everyone I was told to message,but then I was given no answer, just run around. I know about the 20k limit and the exemption,but I couldn't find any other info on how to actually sell legally
  5. G

    Can I move eggs from hen to an incubator to hatch?

    So to make a long story short, I think my broody hen Spice is killing her babies. She had eight eggs. I hadn’t checked in several days but today I found a baby on the coop floor that she seemed to have hurt (it had some small wounds and died shortly after I found it, poor thing). No sign of its...
  6. Who's laying eggs in my duck house?

    Who's laying eggs in my duck house?

    My Pekin Ducks, Edith and Archie are about 5 months old. They got married recently, and I am now finding these eggs in their nesting box inside the duck house. The chicken coop at the other side of the run did not have nesting boxes yet as my chickens are only 4 months, and I hadn't built them...
  7. Gypsy77

    Egg Laying

    Our seven hens decided to go on strike suddenly. They've been laying perfectly for months. Then suddenly stopped one day. What could cause this? They have constant clean water and nutrutious feeding. Nothing has changed but the weather. Though that hasn't prevented them before.
  8. BabySweetsTurkeys

    External pip but no hatch and pip at wrong end

    I have 6 chicken eggs incubating at the moment. It’s day 20, and my one egg has externally pipped at 7 A.M. and it’s now 11:17 am and it hasn’t hatched. How long after an external pip can it take for them to hatch? He was chirping a lot earlier and now chirps here and there. I also noticed...
  9. HuskerHens18

    How early can lockdown be?

    I rescued 2 bantam eggs when my Cochin quit being broody. Unfortunately, I am a terrible judge on what day these eggs are on. I compared to the many charts across the internet, and I can't figure it out for sure. I am too worried I'll kill them by deciding wrong. What is the earliest an egg can...
  10. PirateGirl

    Taste Test: eggs from different fowl, participation encouraged

    I finally got my first duck egg and I'm preparing to do a taste test and I'm proposing others join in. I plan to cook a duck egg and a chicken egg the same way and compare the two. They both have the exact same diet, so it will be interesting to see, side by side, exactly how different they...
  11. ChickenGirl555

    Incubating Question For The Future

    If the fertilized eggs were being incubated by a broody hen in winter, would they survive through the cold? Because when she gets off the eggs to eat and drink, they will drastically cool down, will this kill the egg? How cold can they withstand? I want to incubate with a broody but the...
  12. Seasonmomma

    First Time Hatching - Homemade Incubator

    I’m super excited! I finally am getting some hatching eggs, after being on here for nearly four years! I decided I’d make my own incubator, which I’ve been testing for months. I made it out of an Omaha Steaks styrofoam cooler, a 3.5” computer fan, a 40watt clear bulb with a dimmer switch, an...
  13. MotherCluck4

    Boosting Humidity??

    Hi there! Tomorrow is day 21! So excited. I live in an old farmhouse and run 2 woodstoves but with the current cold snap we’ve been running the kitchen wood stove as well. So dry air to say the least. House runs 14-18% humidity. I’ve kept the humidity up by putting water in the bottom well...
  14. LokisQueen13

    Japanese Egg without shell hatching experiment???

    I wanna do the Japanese experiment where they hatched a baby chick without the eggshell- has anyone successfully done it? if so how is it done? I saw one video that said they were able to do it, but the guy in the video didn't show his results so i'm not so sure
  15. ChellesChicks

    Selling Ungraded/Unsized Eggs in California

    I've been doing a lot of research about selling eggs for food in California from my backyard flock of about 20 hens. The one question I can't seem to find the answer to is if I am required to grade and size eggs. Does anyone know the answer to this? I know I need an egg handlers permit and if I...
  16. D

    Chicken egg

    Hi I need help I don't know if my chicken egg is fertile I see that the air sac has grown it's bubbly when I move the egg around it is on the big part of the egg, does that mean the egg is fertile? The yolk is in the top pointy part can y'all please help me it's been 12 days it's a brown egg...
  17. Chicken_You_Out

    Who's egg is this?!

    A bunch of our spring chicks just started laying, and we've got a mystery egg. It's small, but not bantam small, and round. It's a dark-brown, pinky colour with tiny white speckles all over it.
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