chicken eggs

  1. B

    My hen hasn’t layed eggs

    I have 4 hens 2 are blue Plymouth and 2 white leghorn. The Plymouth are laying and have been laying for about a month and a half but the leghorns are not laying yet. we got them all at the same time and are about 23 weeks old. Should I wait a little bit longer? Is there a problem with them?
  2. A

    Day 18 - When is it best to start lockdown?

    Hi everyone! Is there a specific time during day 18 that I should be putting the eggs on lockdown? Some blogs say to do it at the end of day 18 and others say at the beginning. Does it matter? A new day starts at 3:02pm. Any advice you have is greatly appreciated!!
  3. C

    Propping eggs

    Is it ok to have eggs propped in an incubator they're on day 22 and I have them in an egg carton as some of the others are still being turned. Thanks
  4. K

    Humidity Broke, eggs on lockdown

    Hi, I’m incubating 20 chicken eggs at home (I usually do this each year in my kinder classroom with good success). This year I’m borrowing a different incubator (RCom 20 older model). The humidity was working fine until about day 14. Then it just stopped. I had been told it had issues. So I’ve...
  5. S

    Staggered Hatch Date Worries

    Hello Everyone! This is my first time incubating eggs! Technically it was my parents endeavor but I have been home from college and seemed to be the only one interested in researching the best incubating/ hatching tips! We've had chickens several times but never incubated any eggs (we...
  6. S

    Day 20 chick has pipped this afternoon but nothing since

    Ok so this is my first hatch, temp and humidity has been stable throughout. However, since I increased my humidity on lockdown both hydrometers are giving different readings?? One is saying 65 and the other 70. One of the eggs pipped this afternoon and there has been nothing since? No noise and...
  7. Pennys Mama

    Heinz Variety Hatch-Along

    I just now set 56 of my own quail eggs, plus 10 guinea eggs, and in a week I'll add 11 +/- LARGE breed chicken eggs to hatch-along with the guineas. I've also got 3 turkey eggs that go in lockdown Sunday for a planned CHRISTMAS hatch!!! :bun:jumpy:yesss: :fl Edited: 59 quailies & 12 guineas...
  8. emmsx3

    Incubating Eggs With a Heating Plate

    Hi Everyone! I had a hen that had laid 3 eggs earlier this month but we realize she has not returned to her eggs and for almost a week and we can't find her anywhere...:( I decided I wanted to save her eggs and I've researched different ways to make a homemade incubator. But the simplest way...
  9. Pennys Mama

    Fertile, developing, scrambled, or dud? Chicken, quail & turkey eggs!

    I'm looking to y'alls expertise to help me eliminate some of these eggs, & clean out the incubators so I don't have any explosions along the way. @Kiki @muddy75 @FortCluck @Nabiki @R2elk @007Sean @BantyChooks @KDOGG331 & all BYC candling experts!
  10. Dfarago

    Incubating chicken eggs with a duck

    So my Muscovy is sitting on a nest of about thirteen eggs right now and one of my chickens started laying a couple eggs. Is it ok to add those eggs to the duck eggs, let her incubate them and remove them when they start pipping? I don’t know the breed of chicken cuz I got them from a neighbor...
  11. BackyardAnimalsDucks

    Veterans Day Hatch-A-Long

    yesterday i put 9 chicken eggs in my janoel 12 incubator. I’m just going to count today as the first day. Any advice? I have had to take my hygrometer out to calibrate it.
  12. ChickChic00

    Day 22 egg hatching 2 eggs

    Today is day 22 for two eggs, and one egg has pipped but hasn't got through completely, like it hasn't pierced the shell completely. It's just cracked the shell a bit. The other hasn't done anything. Also I have 3 more eggs that are on 21 days, they haven't done anything either. My temp stays at...
  13. FortCluck

    Incubator and incubating advice

    We are looking to incubate eggs in January but I really want to learn everything that I can before we jump into it. When you collect the fertile eggs do you just leave them out until it's time to incubate them? Is there a period of time that the eggs should sit out before you put them in the...
  14. tayjamieson

    What is up with these chicken eggs? (Photos)

    Hello! I hope everyone is having a great day today, Happy (early) 4th of July!!! I forgot to post these last week but I wanted to find out what caused a few of my chicken eggs to look so funky/cracked. I have never had this happen before and after the day these were laid I didn't see anymore...
  15. CaramelKittey

    My First Peewee Duck egg!

    Hi! This morning, my younger sister was collecting the eggs when she found a peewee Duck egg! She ran over to me with it and showed me how small it was! Has anybody else gotten a peewee Duck egg? Do you have photos of it? I would love to see them! Here is a photo of our first peewee Duck egg!
  16. Krazy_chicken_lady1205

    Need help figuring out if eggs will hatch

    i have three whiting true blue eggs I’m trying to hatch I’m not sure when they were laid (around the beginning of April) but I know they have to hatching soon, at first I couldn’t get a hen to sit on them continuously but but around the 2nd or 3rd week of April a buff Orpington decided to go...
  17. TeamTurnerEst01

    Help! Day 22.5 and still not one pip!

    Hello Backyard Chickens Community! I have tried my hands at hatching my own chickens and I have a problem. I'm on day 22 1/2 but I have 13 eggs with not one pip. As far as I know the temperature has always been spot on, humidity has always been good and until day 18 they were in an egg turner...
  18. Aporter0190

    Incubating chicken egg with veins only on one side

    This is my third time trying to hatch our eggs and the second hatch I got one egg and it had veins all over the egg at day 10. Today is day 10 for this third hatch and I had all but 1 that were duds. The one egg that is developing is odd. I can see the baby and a good airsac but there are only...
  19. HH0611

    I need chicken eggs for hatching in my classroom

    Hello everyone! I am a second grade teacher at Sope Creek Elementary, and every year we like to hatch chickens for our life cycle unit. I am looking for someone who is willing to donate fertilized eggs for hatching. I am happy to return them to you once they hatch, if that is something you would...
  20. K

    Are my eggs safe to eat?

    Here's the scenario: .My husband sprays the weeds that grow in the gravel with Round Up. My chickens don't free ranch, but I move them to a different area during the day and they walk pass the sprayed area. Anyway, here's the question... They have recently, not sure how much really, probably...
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