coop and run

  1. Bladester

    My New BLUE Coop and Run Design Finally Finished (9 Long weekends LOL)

    Hello All: I am a recent new homesteader and backyard chicken owner; living in Eastern PA. I bought my first set of chicks in June and received them on August 16th 2022. I have a total of 6 chickens; 2 WHITE Rocks, 2 Rhode Island REDs, and 2 BLACK Australorps. I built a 6 x 6 x 5 foot coop and...
  2. Bladester

    New member to homesteading and backyard chickens

    Hello All: I am a new member to homesteading and backyard chickens; living in Eastern PA. I bought my first set of chicks in June and received them on August 16th 2022. I have a total of 6 chickens; 2 WHITE Rocks, 2 Rhode Island REDs, and 2 BLACK Australorps. I built a 6 x 6 foot coop and a...
  3. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    A planning and doing thread... Once upon a time about 30 years ago I went to a flea market with a friend who was planning on purchasing some bantam chickens for her mini farm. She found a trio of hens plus a rooster, very fluffy...I think they were Silkies. I impulsively bought a trio of black...
  4. T

    Winterizing Coop - Draft Free… but still has ventilation? Confused!

    I‘m sorry if this is a dumb question, but I’m a newbie at this and I’m confused. How do I make the coop draft free but still have ventilation for the winter (I’m located in PA)? Won‘t the ventilation openings be a place where drafts come in? And how can you even check for drafts to begin with if...
  5. CLEchicks

    New Member - Here’s my coop

    Just got my coop finished and have 5 chicks! 2 Easter eggers, 2 black australorps, and 1 Rhode Island red! Lots to improve as I go but here is the beginnings of my coop. Happy for recommendations and tips to improve.
  6. K

    Over ez coop in winter

    Hello!!! I have done a ton of research about winterizing chicken coops but I would like to ask specific questions about my coop that I havent been able to find. We live in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan in the snow belt where we get TONS of snow and the temps can stay at 0 or below for weeks...
  7. Goose_Goose

    Goose coop

    Hey guys. I'm going to start building a new goose coop. I finally am able to do that. This house will be used at night since we've recently had foxes visiting. I also want to be able to put food and water in the house without having too much mess. Please let me know how you guys built your goose...
  8. The Coop on PAL's Acres

    The Coop on PAL's Acres

    Welcome all to my Chicken Coop and Run build article! I appreciate you taking the time to stop by to read and/or just look at the pictures. Just a bit of forewarning, I tend to OVER TAKE pictures as I like to to capture the whole process from start to finish. Background: A year ago, my family...
  9. IMG_3424.MOV


    Chicken Greenhouse Open-air Coop & Run
  10. M

    Moving chicks outdoors?

    So I live in Salem, OR. Currently I have two week old chicks in a brooder inside my home. They seem to have feathered wings. In my area the temperature usually ranges from high 80s to high 90s during the day and somewhere along the 60s during the night. I was wondering if it was possible for me...
  11. ChickenOfSpades

    Chickens don't want to roost

    I just moved my four 11-week-old chickens into a new pen I built, and I used a board (laying the wide direction) for the roost. They don't seem to want to stand on it, and are kind of squishing together in the corner. Any tips to get them to use the roost? I don't want any suffocated chickens -...
  12. 38887F6E-84B0-480C-B8C7-0FA7555A0DC5.jpeg


    Omlet chicken coop Second day outside for my ladies, and one gentleroo. So far so good
  13. ChickenOfSpades

    Is 12 to 18 inches wide enough for a chicken tunnel?

    I have about a 65-75 foot stretch of fence and I'm thinking about adding a chicken tunnel along the fence is 12 to 18 inches wide enough?
  14. V

    Coop + Supplies for sale in Seattle

    I'm selling a wonderful 4x8 cedar coop built here in Seattle. We could no longer keep our birds and re-homed them last fall. It's now time for the coop to take on a new flock. Please see my craigslist post for details. Lot's of other supplies included. Photos of our girls included for fun...
  15. D

    New Home for Baby Chicks

    I uploaded a video of the chicks and their new home. If anyone would like to check it out.
  16. FeatherSwift93

    The crew!

    finally have the coop together! Also have the saddle on one of my hens (Dorothy), her poor back has no feathers on it, got the saddle to protect her and hopefully her feathers will start growing back soon!!
  17. Kittys Coop

    Are indoor bird toys safe for chickens?

    Hi! I’m trying to find ways for my closed run silkies to have some enrichment. Some blog posts online say that indoor bird toys are fine, some disagree. Anyone have any experience with this? Thoughts?
  18. ChickenOfSpades

    Do proportions matter for same square footage?

    The basic rules of thumb for space per chicken are pretty well established on here, but how much to the proportions of a coop matter? For example, a long narrow 4'x12' coop/run versus a 6'x8' coop/run...or a hypothetical (and kinda ridiculous) 2'x24' coop/run. They all have 48 square feet of...
  19. Kittys Coop

    Chicken Run Entertainment Ideas

    Hi folks! I was just wondering what everyone puts in their runs to keep their birds entertained. Just put a run for my Silkies up this weekend and I want them to have things to do.
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