
  1. C


    I had a barred rock hen named Magnolia, who disappeared suddenly but there were some of her feathers in my dog lot a good distance away from her coop. My first thought was that my dogs grabbed her through the fence and killed her BUT the fence slots are too small to pull her through and I walked...
  2. ShrekDawg

    Dog show(s)

    Did anybody watch the National Dog Show on Thanksgiving Day?? I normally do but missed it this time but I did catch some of the rerun later that night as well as find some clips online. I love dogs and dog shows so I always love watching them when they are on and I’m planning to start attending...
  3. Stacyoung13

    My dogs eat my chicken feed

    Does any one else have problems with their dogs eating the chicken feed ? Or do i just have weird dogs? Every time I set the feed bucket down one of 3 dogs will be munching down.
  4. ShrekDawg

    Unique dogs

    Who has a unique or rare dog? Just curious to see how many rare dogs there are here. Probably not that many but I figured it'd be fun. It could be a rare, uncommon breed or even maybe a less common color or something. I know these aren't exactly "rare" at all but I love Keeshond and...
  5. Chickadooo

    A little about me and all of our pets! (Lots of pictures)

    1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes, we are new to chickens, although I did have chickens when I was an early teen. I wasnt much involved in their care. We just got chickens last Sunday. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 10 (3) What breeds do you have...
  6. Pela Phillips

    Duck Attack, No More Eggs, Molting?

    This is my first year raising ducks. I started out with four cayugas, 3 ducks and 1 drake. Last month we lost two to a coyote or neighborhood dogs. We found one dead and one had been carried away, we never found him. We had eggs for another three weeks, but we have had no eggs from the remaining...
  7. Bartels42

    New Member always looking for more knowledge

    I am new to this so bear with me if I dont do this exactly correct...I joined today and I will start with the questions provided :) Are you new to chickens/ when did you first get chickens? * No I am not new to chickens...I have been around chickens ever since I was young ( going to be 43)...
  8. KHBaker

    Raccoon Issues!

    Today was the first time that my husband and I have seen a raccoon on our property. It was around 6am this morning, and once the raccoon saw our chickens out (we have 6 sex link hens), the raccoon started gradually getting closer. I put the chickens up at 6:30 to get ready for work, but went...
  9. CaptainCanada

    Dogs And Chickens

    I have 2 large dogs and I am thinking of getting 3 chickens. Will they have problems with each other? If yes can i train them to be together?
  10. M

    I have dogs but want to hatch chickens!!??!

    Hello! I have always loved animals and have always wanted the opportunity to raise chickens. Here is my problem. I have 3 dogs, one husky, one aussie and an alaskan malamute with a grey wolf mix. The wolf mix and husky have very very high prey drives and will kill any small animal on site-...
  11. Katu

    How to keep a dog cool In the summer time?

    Today, A blast of heat has hit our country. Our dog Has been panting all day even when we gave her ice-cold water. Any tips to keep her cool?
  12. Trace Dunaway


    Hi folks! I am out here in the Arizona Desert. I am a city urbanite that bought a run down old fixer upper farm and now have animals, including fowl. Most of my animals are rescues though. I also have a horse, a small herd of blue eyed mini goats, dogs, cats, and a sweet pig. Am looking to...
  13. ShrekDawg

    Dog training question: place vs. bed vs. crate vs. target vs. ??

    Okay so I just thought of this random question and figured I would ask here because the more I think about it, the more I get confused. Hopefully somebody knows the answer and can help me. Okay so my current dog knows bed which basically just means go sit or lie down on your dog bed and he also...
  14. ShrekDawg


    Anyone have a kelpie or know anything about them? I've been interested lately. From what I gather there are two types? Australian Kelpie (which I thought was the full breed name but I guess is a type? Show type I think) and working kelpies. And that they are still mostly used for working despite...
  15. ldamp

    New momma

    Hi everyone! I received my girls in Sept 2017. They become your family. Yes people without chickens, they are just like your other pets! I have four. I’m so sorry I can guess what they are but not 100% sure. Americana, Wyandotte, Rhode Island Red?, I have no idea of the last one. But if...
  16. fivelittlefeathers

    Weird question about rooster booster

    My pair of dogs get ear infections pretty darn often. I'm almost certain it's something in the house, as I've switched foods multiple times and the best one we've found cleared up everything but their icky ears. While I'm trying to figure out and put a stop to the source of this, I've been...
  17. 5

    Hello, new egg here!!

    Hello everyone, I'm new here. In the distant past, I kept a few chickens, ducks and rabbits...well, 40 rabbits. In the recent past, I've had only one chicken at a time which was enough eggs. Yesterday I finally got the breed I wanted - 6 Buff Orpingtons (driving my dogs crazy and keeping...
  18. Chickens&Dogs_12

    I need help with fencing

    I had my chickens in their coop all winter. during the winter i got a new dog. i decided to let them out a couple weeks ago and my dog was fine with them didn't really chase them or bark. later that night she killed two chickens. i want to fence them in more but one of my chickens can fly over a...
  19. N

    New member - lots to learn before getting birds

    We finally found our perfect retirement hideaway. 40 acres away from the crowds. Wanting to become as self sufficient as possible. And - it already has a very nice chicken coop. While I grew up on a ranch - we never had chickens as my father hated them (bad experience while butchering them as a...
  20. DaviJones

    Dogs and Chickens

    I have a flock of six, 2 Buff Orps, 2 ISAs, an Easter Egger and Golden Laced Wyandotte. I also have two medium size dogs who go out in the backyard where the chickens reside to do their business and run off some energy. The chickens are fenced in with livestock fencing. I have seen the dogs...
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