
  1. Chickologist

    The Roost

    This is a version of the BYC Cafe thread, But this one is more for talking about and telling stories of your chickens and other animals. Please follow all the BYC Terms and Rules in this thread.
  2. ShrekDawg

    Shih Tzu Thread!!

    I was asked to start this thread and plus I just LOVE Shih Tzu’s so I gladly agreed so here goes.... This thread is for all things Shih Tzu!! If you love this breed and/or own one then this thread is for you! Feel free to post pictures, share stories, ask questions, share breed information...
  3. Q

    I clucked up, the value of a rooster.

    I have a few different breeds of chickens, some older existing flock, and some new blood hatched this spring. My intentions were to separate them into three breeding quartets, (three hens and a roo, if that's the term), in tractors, plus a yard flock. I culled, and sold, and had the numbers...
  4. Hello All, This is Me...

    Hello All, This is Me...

    I obtained my first animal related credentials from Animal Behavior College in 2002 [ABCDT], I attended the APDT's 5 day conference in 2003, written several excerpts and articles for dog behavior magazines over the years, including the APDT's Top Tips From Top Trainers book. Currently I hold a...
  5. Strato

    Hi everyone!

    Hi all, I'm Strato and I just moved to a new house that came a chicken run and a flock, and I'm very excited/slightly overwhelmed by all the information I'm trying to learn about taking care of them! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Brand-new, although I have...
  6. Golden Chicken Master

    Hello Fellow Enthusiasts

    Hello all, I am using the template so you all can get a good idea of me! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes I am new to Chickens, I have 20 (1 rooster 19 hens) I got them as 1 week olds in April 2019 (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have 20...
  7. Verbon30

    I want to free range but I'm afraid of halks and dogs.

    I want to free range but I'm afraid of halks and dogs. I got 3 Ameraucana. I got silkies to but I don't dare let them free range. the hawks are not to much bigger then the Ameraucana so I'm not sure if they would go after them. I think they are red tale hawks. I guess they could fly away from...
  8. themidnightmama

    Can dogs and chickens coexist?

    We have a small flock of 4 chickens (one rooster and three hens, two are small breeds - sumatran and sultana). Yesterday we found an abandoned puppy that we are considering keeping. It seems to be a mix but best guess is that it has some degree of treeing tennessee brindle (which is a hunting...
  9. TheBlueShepard

    Coons n Possums n Dogs

    I lost 8 hens and 3 roosters to neighborhood dogs last year. The area is divided between the neighbors who refuse to contain their k9s and the neighbors who have to deal with it. The county animal control reccomended to me personally, "next time, shoot it and bury it and save a phone call. $0.35...
  10. ShrekDawg

    Spaniel Thread

    Who has spaniels? I have always loved them and thought I’d start kind of a spaniel appreciation thread haha apologies if one already exists too but I couldn’t find one. I know I’ve made a lot of threads including a lot of dog ones but I figured this one could be kind of just an appreciation...
  11. R

    Yearly shots for dogs with seizures

    I have a Schipperke (M) 7 yrs old. I also have a 8 yr. Rescue (m) . My Schipperke Started his 1st seizure about 3yr old. They got really bad. He was having 3-5 each week and were very long (25 min.) The Vet gave him some Meds after several tests and did nothing! I also didn't like the side...
  12. M

    Keeping my dogs away from the coop

    I just put three chickens in the coop. My two goldendoodles are very aggressive towards the chickens and the coop. They follow commands well but I am afraid that their instincts are taking over. I want to keep the chickens safe while letting my dogs out in the yard off leash. Any advice is...
  13. Attackdog4

    Chick is hurt foot.

    Hi we had an accident and hurt my chicks leg and my brother said that it could be broken or sprained and i don’t know what to do Any Ideas
  14. KrysMT

    LGD question - freeranging

    hi y’all! We recently purchased a 15 week old Great Pyrenees who was brought up with chickens since the day she was born. I have a free range flock, 40 acres, ponds, cows, bees, barbed wire fencing... I know I can’t allow her until she is fully trained and old enough to protect them and trust...
  15. SwedeinAZ

    What kind of dog will guard my flock?

    We have a problem with coyotes. I lock my flock up at night but occasionally the coyotes come through in a day- and three times I lost my entire flock of chickens! I’m looking at getting a dog that will stay outside with my chickens. I think that any big dog will deter the coyotes from jumping...
  16. Henry&Friends

    Stray dogs?

    I live in a less than pleasant neighborhood. There are stray dogs that run around 24/7. No one knows who owns them (if anyone even does,) but it seems there are more and more appearing out of the blue. They’re vicious towards people, but most importantly they like to pick off of my flock. I only...
  17. MikeWu

    Most effective way of predator dealing

    We live in a county island, where the surrounding areas are city streets and buildings. When we moved in we had some fox attacks, and I thought being in a county island, there should be only a few foxes, so if I trap and remove all of them, I should be at peace. First one was easy, it fell for...
  18. A

    Neighbor dogs

    Long time lurker, first time poster. I've never owned chickens before. I've been wanting to build a chicken coop and run for about a year now, I've been researching what needs to be done, and collecting salvaged materials to build it . I think I'm ready . I live in a subdivision, neighbors...
  19. ShrekDawg


    Who has a poodle? They seem like awesome dogs. I used to walk a black standard and she was great.
  20. thecreekhouse

    Livestock Guardian Dogs & Chickens

    New blog post: my Great Pyrenees has been helped more by our flock of chickens than by any medication
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