
  1. Dr_Eyeball

    My chickens, ducks & local island wildlife in AU.

    Hi. I live on an island in Queensland, Australia. It depends on barges and ferries for all transport. There is quite a bit of wildlife on the island, such as lizards, snakes, frogs, toads, curlews, peacocks, peahens, wallabies (rare though), kookaburras, owls & various birds including birds of...
  2. AZcluckers

    Show me your dogs!

    I've always been a dog lover! Here's my two. Show me yours too! This is Pepper (little black one) and Jordan! They're both rescues. ❤
  3. Everose

    Bully Lovers of BYC

    Hey there fellow Bully lovers👋 This is a thread where you can post pics, and stories of your beautiful Bully babies. I've listed some of the more popular breeds, but definitely not all of them, so if you have a more exotic or rare breed be sure to tell us all about them😃
  4. ShrekDawg

    Happy Black Dog Day!!!

    Brewster says happy black dog day!!! ❤️🥰 @Kiki @ColtHandorf (I think?) @ any one else with black puppies! ❤️
  5. Paz

    There’s a bitch in my backyard

    So, not too far from my house there’s a family of five and a female dog. She’s in heat. She is really into my dog. Every time she’s in heat, she comes to my backyard. My dog is half her size. So far they’ve never had any puppies. My dog received a stool chair from her family. He doesn’t use it...
  6. centrarchid

    Investing Big Protecting Free-range Chickens

    We are biting off a lot to make life easier for us. We have a good number of animals and at least the potential for predator problems most people have. I'm about to fence in about 6 acres (~1/3 of property) with fencing to contain sheep and goats. It should keep dogs in as well. I've also done a...
  7. Wild Claws

    Welcome to my farm!

    Hello! And welcome to our small farm! We call it Wild PC&H ranch.(PC&H stands for Paws, Claws, & Hooves.) So we started our small family farm back in 2020. Anyways here are our animals. I will be doing our poultry first! First up is broody Munchkin. This is her first time going broody. :fl
  8. H

    Best Protector dog breeds

    Does anyone have insight into which canine breeds make good predator protectors for the flock? I've been doing a lot research on how to introduce dogs to your flock, to act as guardians against predators. I'd also like to adopt a rescue from a local shelter. The question though, is that most...
  9. ShrekDawg

    Puppy Pictures!

    I will probably regret this since I have MAJOR puppy fever right now and I’m sure this will only make it worse buuuuuuuttttttttt.... I would really love to see everyone’s puppies (or adults) please! :lau :hide any breed welcome since I love all dogs but bonus points for herding or sporting...
  10. BookThief

    Unknown Predator

    Sorry it's long. If you don't want to read, here's the very short version: 1 chicken dead with no known cause, 1 missing. Some of the live chickens and ducks have saliva on them but no injuries or broken bones. What happened? The full version: Last night, my fiance woke me up at 4:30am and...
  11. S

    How to stop dogs from eating chickens??

    Hello, so just today I was out and about and my younger sister carried 2 of our chickens out from their normal run and I to our backyard. Only problem was that when the dogs were let out. They ate both of them. What can I do to stop this behavior in the future? I have heard that tying a piece of...
  12. Lemon-Drop

    Calling ALL Dog Fosters and Non Fosters Alike! Fostering Dogs - Tips, Recommendations, and Places

    Hi there! :frow So, originally, I was hoping to get a Golden Retriever or some other large breed dog from a breeder as a puppy. I realized that it's a little out of budget, and I'm moving out soon, so it wouldn't be the best fit. This is a little bit of our current situation: We will be...
  13. P

    Advice in choosing a dog breed right for me

    I will soon be moving to a property I OWN instead of rent so I can finally have the chickens I've longed for. Chickens certainly won't be the only animal I have though so I would like some advice on which breed of dog would fit well with my situation. The property is 3.5 acres and fully fenced...
  14. nasber32

    About me!

    Hello from Canada. In June 2021, I got chickens. Right now, I have 3 beautiful Chickens named Francine (French Marans), Plumette (Lavender Orpington) and Bertha (Black Orpington). My favourite aspect about raising backyard chickens would have to be the bond I have with my hens. Eating their...
  15. chickenchicklady

    All of my chickens got killed

    I’m so disappointed and sad and angry. My neighbors dogs climbed our 6 foot fencing that’s around our whole yard, got past our electric fencing somehow and into our chicken run and killed every single one of our chickens except for one. I don’t even know how they got into my chicken run. I’m...
  16. CanadaEh

    What is an absolute minimum processing for raw dog feeding?

    I will have about 60 birds to process in near future. They will be 3-week old cockerels and 2.5 year old hens - all leghorns and their crosses . Last time I have processed 20 for human food it took too many hours for the meat collected, and even when skinning not plucking. We buy chicken...
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