duck egg

  1. P

    Incubator low temperature

    My incubator isn’t getting hot enough. The display on the incubator itself says 38c but the two thermometers I put inside say 34? Anyone know how I can fix this? I also have a noter cheap incubator thy I’m reluctant to use but does get up to temp? There are currently 6 duck eggs in there on day...
  2. H

    Duck Eggs Alive Veins Pipping

    Hi there everyone 😊 I'm completely new to caring for Duck Eggs!! - A Duck laid 14 in our garden and then a cat killed one and scared the mother away :( So I've decided to look after them. They have been in the incubator I bought for them roughly two days, and I've noticed a little crack on one...
  3. A

    Internal pip question ?

    So my duck eggs are beginning to hatch early. Day 24, For the past couple okays it looks like some where internally pipping, but I wasn’t able to hear any chirping. This morning in one egg I heard chirping and there’s a big dark spot where it’s trying to externally pip. What I’m asking is a...
  4. P

    When to Assist Hatch?

    Hi all, I currently have a single mandarin duck egg incubating, we're now on day 31 of a supposed 28 day hatch cycle. I've candled the egg this morning and there is still movement inside, a mass has been protruding into the air sac cavity for the past 2 days, but not a single attempt at pipping...
  5. J

    Duck eggs 40hrs since external pip

    Hi everyone I am incubating Indian runner duck eggs and the first one that pipped did 40hrs ago and not hatched yet. None have yet. I can hear it and it responds to me talking. I haven’t opened the lid at all. The type of incubator I’m using doesn’t tell me the humidity so I have bought a...
  6. A

    Duck Egg incubation

    I have been incubating a duck egg I found on Easter Sunday. It appears to be doing well and I have been seeing quite a lot of movement when I have candled it. However, the pointy end has quite a lot of free space and I’m not sure if this is a problem? There is an air sac at the rounded end. So...
  7. M

    Day 27 duck eggs: do these look right?

    Hi guys! This is my first time hatching duck eggs and I'm currently on day 27. All five of my eggs are still alive, with two having broken the internal air sack yesterday, and two beginning to pip. The one with the shell missing a bit began pipping yesterday afternoon, but I'm a little nervous...
  8. V

    Looking for help/advice with duck egg

    Hi, everyone. I was hoping you could help me with a duck egg I've been looking after for just over the past week. I've been getting help and advice from a few people who have some experience with hatching eggs. They've aided me tremendously, but they're not always able to reply on short notice...
  9. S

    Duck eggs

    Okay so on the 22nd we noticed our Khaki Campbell had laid a nest of eggs-not sure how long they have been there.. she didn’t sit on them constantly until about 3 days ago. I candle every couple of days and right now I’m not seeing veining. Should i be seeing veins at this point or still too...
  10. MartinFamilyHomestead

    Ducks ate their eggs

    This is our first time trying to hatch eggs. We don’t have an incubator so we were going to let our hens hatch them. We have 2 hens and 2 drake (we are working on getting more hens to get a better ratio). One hen started laying. She laid one egg didn’t lay the next day and then laid again the...
  11. Little Cute Lily

    Are the air sacs okay?

    Hello, it's my first time hatching duck eggs. I got them shipped from ebay and I've been monitoring their growth. I check for movement and they seem to be doing good. My concern is the air sacs seem to be a weird shape. Also I have no idea if they are too big or too small. I didn't pencil the...
  12. graypes

    Yellow-shell on Overdue duck egg day 30, still alive no internal pip

    Hi So this duck egg is overdue and still alive. yesterday I mistakenly thought it had pipped internally so I decided to assist. When I opened it up, the membrane was still intact so I followed a suggestion to place clear tape over the hole. the bottom of the taped egg’s shell is turning yellow...
  13. M

    Are these duck eggs still alive?

    I have some day about 13-14 eggs here. I noticed the veins disappeared about two days ago, should I toss them?
  14. KikiDeAnime

    Will they be okay? (Duck eggs)

    I started collecting one of our ducks' eggs because someone is going to come tomorrow to take a few to see if they hatch. Our drake breeds this duck 3 times a day so I'm pretty sure they'll hatch. I'm giving the eggs to the lady for free because it's just a test. Anyway, I was keeping the eggs...
  15. AzDuck

    Cayuga ready to lay eggs?

    3 of my 4 females (2 runners and 1 khaki) are laying, and have been since the beginning of October. They are now a little over 6 months. My Cayuga isn’t laying yet, but she has an awkward little “pouch” that almost drags the ground sometimes. I heard that means they are getting close to laying...
  16. Joylime322

    Ducklings and Quailings?

    Happy morning BYC Community! I may have done a thing.... My neighbors duck recently laid an a few eggs and when they cracked one open to eat there were cells and a few veins! So I took the other egg (on impulse hehe) and stuck it in my NR 360... But I have 25 quail eggs arriving on Friday...
  17. T

    Is my duck egg shrinkwrapped ?? Help

    Hi, this lil 1 decided to internally pip day 23 goin in to day 24 after 16 hr of no improvement I made the safety hole left in incubator checked again and it seemed like thru the lil whole it was drying out and duckling wasn't chirping trying to but nothing, so opened the egg alil more at air...
  18. NuggetTheChicken

    Got my first duck egg!!!

    Today when I went to change the ducks' pool water, I found a dirty egg near their water. After waiting for so many months, my girls have finally decided to lay eggs! The egg is about the same size as a medium chicken egg, pretty sure they'll get bigger over time. One down 4 to go. We'll see when...
  19. T


    It’s day 11 of my incubation, i am raising some duck eggs, and one of them has 2 red stripes on the sides and dim spot in the middle, but almost no veins, what does this mean? Please someone answer this question please😢
  20. Z


    So I have had my duck egg for 29 days now and when candling up until day 26 there was movement in the egg, veins and everything was going fine . Since then there has been no movement and it is day 29 now. What do I do now? I’ve left it in lockdown still, haven’t touched it, temps are at 36.5...
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