duck egg

  1. A

    Call Duck Eggs - Saddle Shaped Air Sac

    Evening All, I am just looking for some advice. I have just received 3 eggs posted, and I have candled them to look at the condition of them. The air sac appears to be slightly saddle shaped (having done some reading about them). I am leaving the eggs for 24 hour to settled before placing...
  2. Sparky_Chicken

    Chicken hen brooding duck eggs

    First time attempt at hatching here! I’ve hadn’t yet considered incubating/hatching eggs then my blue Wyandotte went broody about 4 weeks ago. I let her sit on 4 of our magpie duck eggs since we have male and female ducks. She’s been so dedicated and such a good broody hen so far. I’ve...
  3. T

    Day 29 for a duck signs of movement

    Hi everyone! Back story first. So this was an unexpected duck egg into my life. A mallard duck laid it next to my pool and then didn't come back for it. I got an incubator for it and it was growing. On day 25, I put more water in it for a higher humidity around 75%. On day 27, I opened the lid...
  4. D

    A piece of broken shell

    So today I was going to mist my duck egg and I saw something odd on the shell so I took it off using a paper towel but as I did that, it took a little piece of shell too. It didn't go all the way through, there is still a film like thing underneath but should I take action and if so, how?
  5. Csparling

    How long are duck eggs good for if left in the coop??

    We cleaned out the duck coop this morning. All together we found almost 2 dozen eggs! I know some are less than a week old and I left them thinking they were being sat on but I don’t think they are. We pulled over a dozen out from under the ramp from the entry way going outside the coop...
  6. A salted duck Egg, after 24 days in concentrated brine. Picture with flash off.

    A salted duck Egg, after 24 days in concentrated brine. Picture with flash off.

  7. A salted duck Egg, after 24 days in concentrated brine. Picture with flash on.

    A salted duck Egg, after 24 days in concentrated brine. Picture with flash on.

  8. awyman

    Beginner Duck Mom Question.

    I have a couple questions as far as duck egg laying goes. The other day I found my first 3 duck eggs in a random spot in my duck enclosure. I collected them, and floated them because I wasn’t sure how long they had been there. They were perfectly fine. So I go back to the same spot the next...
  9. CaliFarmsAR

    Hatching duck egg with an incubator

    I would love to hear the hatchs that you all have done with an incubator!
  10. DuckMama9

    Where do ducks like to lay their eggs?

    My ducks are still very young and not going to be laying for another ten weeks or so, but I am wondering if I will need to provide them some kind of laying box or prepare a special nesting or laying area? Please tell me about and/or post a picture of your ducks' laying area.
  11. CaramelKittey

    My First Peewee Duck egg!

    Hi! This morning, my younger sister was collecting the eggs when she found a peewee Duck egg! She ran over to me with it and showed me how small it was! Has anybody else gotten a peewee Duck egg? Do you have photos of it? I would love to see them! Here is a photo of our first peewee Duck egg!
  12. DuckWhisperer06

    Follow my duck eggs! DuckWhisperer06

    I put 8 duck eggs in the incubator yesterday morning. 5 from Smokey(Swedish mix) 3 from Rosy(Pekin) We have two Pekin and one Rouen male (we’re going to process the Pekin males soon) so we’ll have to wait and see what the ducklings look like. Sadly we are not keeping them, we are...
  13. olivesgarden

    How to care for Muscovy duck eggs? (Please help!)

    Long story short, today I came into possession of two muscovy duck eggs. However, I know next to nothing about eggs or chickens/ducks. Right now I currently have them in a cardboard shoebox nestled on a fleece blanket (they are sitting on the blanket rather than being surrounded by it so they...
  14. HollyNoelle

    Questions about duck eggs

    Okay, I’m new to ducks eggs.. or just eggs in general. Whenever I research stuff, I barely find discussions about duck eggs, it’s always about chickens. Also everyone does everything different so the information is really all over the place. So my questions are: 1. I made deviled eggs the other...
  15. EggMan207

    New Layer: Duck Egg Size Question

    I have several young hens and two young ducks all in one coop. The ducks are at laying age, and the hens are at 12 weeks (there are 2 leghorns). It looks like I've started getting eggs from the Khaki Campbell, but the eggs are the same size as a chicken egg. So, I'm not sure... The shells are...
  16. brooder

    How far along are my duck eggs?

    Hey there, my duck Lillian is expecting to hatch two babies . She's taking great care of her eggs, and as far as I can tell, the ducklings are in perfect health. My only question Is "When will she become a mother?!" I've been candling the eggs daily, but for some reason I cannot tell which...
  17. J

    Duck sitting on nest full of golf balls. Help! (Long post)

    So our duck has been laying eggs in her nest over the past week and a half. The last times she laid in this same nest something took her eggs so since it was the same nest in the same spot we decided we would take her eggs in and incubate them. We've been replacing them with golf balls so she...
  18. S

    Help!!! My duck laid eggs and I’m not sure what to do!!!!

    I found out yesterday that my duck laid eggs,she only laid three,and today she laid a dead egg.She hasn’t been sitting on them or laying more in the nest,and I’m wondering if that’s because it’s so hot here in Texas. And I do have my drake in the same pen as her,but they get together fine never...
  19. ChickenMamaSarah

    Is this what a duck's first egg would look like?

    I have what I think is a Buff Orpington duck that is about 15 weeks. She’s recently started acting strange and spending more time in the nesting box on the floor of the coop. I went out just now to check on them and I found this egg in the box. I also have a gold sexlink that lays huge brown...
  20. T

    Help! Someone Accused me of selling old eggs

    Just getting the farm up and going, and a customer of mine accused me of selling old chicken and duck eggs. She said that she has bought eggs from me multiple times that have gone bad (although I'm just hearing about this) and that I need to start dating them because I can't keep track of how...
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