duck egg

  1. Launchpad

    Duck egg questions

    So my Pekin female, Daphne, has been laying eggs consistently for a couple of weeks now. Only once did I fail to find an egg... until yesterday and today. I didn't turn the coop completely inside out but I searched all her nesting spots. Its possible im missing it but I've found them every...
  2. 16648821230467432831145679591410.jpg


    Lilbit laid the small egg yesterday and the jumbo egg today!
  3. MartinFamilyHomestead

    Same Crack in every egg

    We have had the exact same crack in the exact spot of what I believe is our Cayuga’s egg for 3 consecutive days now. What could be causing this?
  4. sylvaniaduckmom

    Cayuga Egg - Fertile?

    Hello! My Cayuga recently started sitting on her eggs about a week and a half - two weeks ago. I’m trying to decipher which eggs are fertile. I’m especially struggling with this one. I don’t think I can see any movement inside. It’s actually pretty hard to see what’s inside. Any thoughts?
  5. A

    Confirming this egg is fertile.

    So previously i’ve posted about my first time hatching ducks. When i posted the photos of my duck eggs i was told that only one of them was fertile. I cracked the eggs (exept for the one i was told is fertile) and yep, no baby. So it’s day 29 of this fertile egg being in the incubator. We can’t...
  6. F

    Weird stuff on my egg

    While collecting eggs, I found this egg that has a weird abundance of bug egg(?) looking stuff on it. The egg was rotten anyways so I didn’t mind throwing it away but it was pretty gross. Just out of curiosity, anyone know what it is? Image below (it’s kinda nasty)
  7. A

    Found ducks eggs

    We had to have a big old oak cut down on out property and the workers knocked on my door to let me know there were ducks living in the tree. As they got closer the pair flew away and they realized that there were eggs. They were able to salvage a couple and we have them in an incubator. It looks...
  8. Puddingtheamericana

    Is this duck egg fertile?

    i recently made a post about a duck egg i found on uc davis campus. so i have been incubating the egg for 7 days now, a week, and based on duck egg incubation progression charts i’ve seen there should be some noticeable veins by now. i cant really see anything, the egg looks like this when...
  9. Puddingtheamericana

    Abandoned egg found on UC Davis Campus

    I found a mystery egg on UC Davis campus, I’m fairly sure it’s a duck egg. I was recently at the UC Davis campus because my class was going on a camping trip and we stopped at a park/garden area for lunch on the campus. I noticed a lot of smashed and crushed white eggs along the paths in this...
  10. P

    (Duck Eggs) Can anyone tell me if these are still living or not?

    Hi, New to incubation, I have 5 eggs, I've candled them all and 2 are moving by themselves but the other 3 don't seem to be. Just wondering if anyone can tell me if they are still alive or not as I've read that if you don't spot and remove dead eggs, they can explode. Thanks :)
  11. MartinFamilyHomestead

    Runner eggs

    We have 2 blue runners and a fawn and white runner in our flock. Total of 12 hens. We are currently getting about 5 eggs a day and are certain who 2 of the eggs belong to but we just started getting a much smaller egg. Maybe size of chicken egg and it almost has a green tint to it. We tried to...
  12. MartinFamilyHomestead

    Safe to eat???

    Is this duck egg safe to eat? Both pictures are of the same egg. It was laid 4/3 and today is 4/7. Only 4 days old. Also was laid in their coop and collected the morning it was laid. From my research, could be just blood spot? I read they can be darker but most of the pictures I saw looked...
  13. Quacking ducks

    Are these duck eggs fertilized?

    These duck eggs have been in the incubator for 6-7 days now and there are still no veins. Are the eggs not fertilized? Do I throw them out and start over? Thank you
  14. Mollieb713

    Soft shells in mature duck

    My female duck has been laying soft shell eggs for about a month now after a really cold winter. It's finally been warm for a steady 2 weeks though and when nothing changed I've began to get concerned. It is her first mating season since I added a male to my flock, however she doesn't seem to be...
  15. aria7

    HELP!! I found an abandoned duck egg outside… what do I do??

    I found an abandoned duck egg outside. (I live near a canal with ducks so it’s definitely a duck egg plus it had duck poop on it). I tried looking for the nest but couldn’t find any around. I waited to see if the mother would come around but nothing happened. I then touched the egg to see if it...
  16. woknrouen

    Duck stopped laying eggs

    I have a 1yr 5mth old Rouen duck. She first stated laying eggs in January and has laid eggs consistently, pretty much every day since then. She has not laid an egg in almost 2 months. The last egg she laid was a soft egg and she laid it in the evening. Since then she has not laid anything. She...
  17. C

    Day 29 no internal pip

    Hi all, I put this egg into a homemade incubator in the mid afternoon of 24th September. I counted 25th as day 1. Today is now day 29 and there is no internal pip. There is plenty of movement when I candled it but it just doesn’t look right. The air sac looks small and I can see it’s beak...
  18. Aussie Fluff

    To trust the auto-turner or not??

    Hi everyone! We recently upgraded our old crappy yellow China incubator to a genuine Janoel and were so excited to try it out! We did a batch of Pekin ducklings, with the last one hatching this morning, but it seemed the eggs were not being turned properly throughout the process as we lost...
  19. M

    Duck Egg Incubation 6h Power Outage Day 23 - 20C Temp - Looking for input

    Hey, title puts it pretty clearly, but for more details, I'm using the Brinsea Mini II EX incubator to incubate some duck eggs, everything had been going perfectly up until last night, when, due to an odd electrical fuse setup in our home, we lost poweer to the incubator ~01:30, I'd had a late...
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