duckling care

  1. M

    duckling losing feathers around eyes and neck

    hello everyone! i have 4 ducklings at the moment and my pekin duckling, breakfast, is balding around his eye and neck area. at first i thought that his juvenile down was growing, but the vet told me that it might be because of a fungal disease (or a skin condition) from when i got the lil‘ guy...
  2. K

    Baby Mallards- HELP!

    I know this is a chicken website, but I just googled a question for my baby ducklings and it lead me here. If anyone has any advice please help! My daughter and I rescued two baby Mallard ducks (2-3 weeks old) from our backyard. The mother had been attacked and killed by something. I got...
  3. Z

    Are my ducks okay?

    Hi, I noticed today while cleaning out their pen that my ducks have a red rash looking thing on their wings and under their necks. Any clue as to whether they hurt themselves or it’s a natural feathering process? Should I take them to the vet immediately? Thanks.
  4. R

    I’m worried about my new duckling

    Good morning, so I received a new duckling not sure how old it is or the breed. Last night it was running around and seemed fine then all of a sudden it just stopped and looked like it frozen. It wouldn’t move or eat or drink. It also looked like it was leaning to one side and back. It also had...
  5. A

    My duckling is sick

    Hi very new to this website and fowl in general although I have relied on existing threats upon many occasions for insight I am in need of direct assistance now. Ive been raising a Cayuga duckling for the last 3 weeks and about a week or two ago she developed a respiratory issue that seemed to...
  6. E

    Wobbly, panting duckling. Advice?

    Like the video shows, I have a duckling that is having multiple issues. Is it sick? Too warm? Too cold? I’m a new duck owner so please help. It has a hard time keeping its balance, and it is panting constantly. Edit: it is wet because it just got done with a bath, I was hoping it would clear its...
  7. CuddleNest

    Am I overfeeding my ducklings?

    Hi! The Peeps in Europe suggested I pose my questions to the Duck experts! Sorry that this post is a bit long, but I'm new to keeping ducks (though we have a bunch of chickens), and I'm a bit concerned and hope my story one the past few weeks might help figure out what I might be doing wrong (or...
  8. MammaDuck12020.jpg


    The duck Bill's first off spring.
  9. Gerby26

    Muscovy duckling questions

    Hello I am trying to prepare for my ducklings(6) coming soon and I am having difficulty deciding what food to get them, I wanted to get mazuri waterfowl starter, and maintenance feed. I know its a tad expensive but I was concerned if 25 lbs would be enough for 6 ducklings and how long I should...
  10. H

    Advice for abandoned ducklings

    Hi everyone! A friend recommended I reach out here for tips. Yesterday, a dog that had slipped its leash savaged a wild Muscovy hen. She fled, maybe mortally wounded, and has not come back for her five ducklings. I’m not in a situation where I can keep them, and have reached out to a local...
  11. RunnerDuckMama

    Moving mama ducks and ducklings

    Hi All, I have two relatively new female Indian Runner Ducks and was advised to let them sit on their eggs as they came from a flock with a few males. They have been sat on them for around 28 days and they started hatching today. They are in an adapted chicken coup in a large fenced area that...
  12. WyldStorm

    First Time Duck Owner

    Well, do to some random events I know have an 8 week old Buff duck who I dont know the gender of. While I have the time, space and resources to take care of them, I don't really know where to start and what to expect. I live in the midwest, so my weather is the extreme of both hot and cold. What...
  13. K

    Fostering baby duckling - need advice

    Hello! I just happened to find myself fostering a very young wild duckling this evening an wanted some advice. From what I was told from the people that found him, he was wandering in the backyard without any mother or siblings. I have no idea how long he was wandering. My dad picked him up from...
  14. NorthernChick1

    how to care for a wild duckling

    hi everyone no hate please! my brother found a lone duckling in a big current by a dam. there was no site of any other ducks/ducklings around what so ever so he brought it home to me. i raise muscovies and chickens. i am wondering how i should care for this duckling. i will post photos soon. i...
  15. Dfarago

    Duckling brooder box

    I have two clutches of ducklings. Each in their own brooder box in a spare room of the house. It gets super windy out here and we don’t yet have a shed to put them in. So at first I started using hay but it became such a chore to clean it out multiple times a day. They are little poop factories...
  16. LucyDuck

    Nonstop chirping

    Hi, We're hatching ducklings for first time. First 2 hatched yesterday and put them in their pen last night. They've got water and food (but not very interested in either) and an overhead heat plate. They chirp nearly all the time. Literally nonstop. Even when we're not nearby/doing...
  17. Dfarago


    Finally the eggs have hatched. We have eleven ducklings. Momma was wonderful with sitting. She’s still broody over her babies. Information about the set up we have. They are outside in the little house they were laid In, which has been given fresh hay. The enclosure is 20 ft long, 7 ft wide and...
  18. Dfarago

    Moving baby ducks?

    My ducks just started hatching today and we want to move them and the mom to the other pen we have which is much safer from small predators and much more baby friendly. So what is the best way to do that? Would it be to remove the mom and then carry the Box with the ducklings in it to the new...
  19. wyandotte102

    How do I help my ducks get along???

    Hey guys! My name is Stella, and I recently moved to country to start a little farm. I have two ducks, a drake and a hen named Honey and Butter. I recently bought two more ducklings (Happy Feet and Biscuit). I believe that one is a girl and the other a boy. I've had the ducklings for almost two...
  20. Darwinsmommy


    how do i tell the gender and breed and how old my duckling is olz help me also what do i need to keep him healthy and safe
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