
  1. ScavengerBird

    Silkie Chick Dying

    I bought 5 Silkie chicks from Rural King May 1st, all have been fine, eating, drinking, playing, ect. However this one hasn't grown at all, and is now showing signs of heavy, opened beak breathing. I've given her egg yolks and electrolytes. She was eating fine but has now taken to just lying...
  2. Peppercorngal

    Harvey the Great is Dying. . .

    My huge Jersey Giant Harvey seems to be dying. I see him eating some and drinking but he "falls asleep" just standing and ends up lying down. I go up to him and "wake him up" and he jumps up and acts relatively normal for a few minutes. He jumps on a hen, (I can hardly understand this urge to...
  3. Ansleigh

    Help! Dying Chick

    One of my 10 week old chicks is ill.. I brought her in last night because it was going to be windy and cold and this morning I noticed she was lethargic, I picked her up and I could feel her chest bones.. She was perfectly fine last night and was eating and drinking this morning as well.. What...
  4. AvengerofSquids

    HELP! Ducks having trouble walking, dying after several days

    Over the past two months I have had two ducks expressing similar symptoms before passing away around four days later. Right now I have a third duck (one who I am very attached to and would hate to lose even more than the rest) showing the same symptoms. Please help! The ducks have trouble...
  5. M

    Injured Chicken

    Today, midday, two small gray, unidentified mammals got in, killed one chicken, and gravely injured the other. I gave the injured chicken a shot of corticoid and it's been almost 6 hours and she's still alive and breathing steadily, although laying down on her side with her eyes closed...
  6. TwitchysChicks

    Thick Yellow Poop

    There was frozen yolk under the roost where my Nugget sits. I brought her home and gave her an epsom bath. She then took a nap. When she woke up, a thick yellow poop came out. She will be 1 yrs old December 6th. She is my best friend and can't lose her. I had a hen last year die and the same...
  7. Liv's chickens

    Injured chicken, can’t stand up, broken wing/leg?

    hello everyone, today I went out to feed the chickens. We just had our first big snow, and for most of the chickens, it will be their first winter. Some of the girls finally came out of the coop today since it’s nicer weather and of course, they get very excited when treats and feed comes...
  8. cnol

    Chick Shaking Head, Eyes Closed, Lethargic

    Just as the title says I have a baby chick about 2-4 days old. He or she is shaking head some not often, eyes closed almost always - opening sometimes when I pick it up, lethargic and sleeping all day. It is eating and I am giving it an electrolyte mix (water, brown sugar, salt, baking soda)...
  9. animalyodelers

    Chicken newbie- urgent- mareks? Lost 2 chickens suddenly

    Please help. I'm trying to read about what to do but theres a lot of info. We found one chicken dead in the coop, no signs of injury and she had no previous signs of illness. She had been acting normal earlier in the day. The rest of the flock was acting normally. Now (about an hour...
  10. queenturkeygirl

    Full crop when dying?

    My mother says that when a bird dies they’re body will stop digesting food and their crop will be full. Is this true? I try looking online but i don’t know where she’s getting this information from. I cannot question her about it because she’ll just grouch at me. So has anyone heard of this...
  11. J

    HELP! Olive Eggers are dying

    Help, I'm new at raising chicks. I purchased 13 chicks, 8 Marans and 5 olive eggers. I have no problems with the Marans but my olive eggers are dying. I've lost 2 since they arrived in the mail. The first one passed 3 days after arriving and the other one 9 days after arriving. When I got up...
  12. J

    What is happening to my duck eggs? (Long post)

    I'm incubating duck eggs. This is the second time I've attempted. The incubator was cleaned and the duck eggs were wiped off with a dry cloth before placing them in the incubator. I had 8 and all of them were viable but on day 17 it appears only one still has vessels and is moving. The others...
  13. WeTheWeys

    EMERGENCY PLEASE HELP!!!! i think my baby duckling is dying

    i will post pics. idk boy or girl but i call him he. his name is Puwey Bum Quack and its ironic cuz he cant poop... i think he is dying. until now he was thriving (three days old now), all he does now is sleep no matter what. no resistance to being picked up. very bloated, soft belly. Born...
  14. C

    Quail get bloody leg then die help!

    I got 5 quail in the usps mail about 10 days ago. All appeared healthy. I made a cage of pvc frame/ 1/2" chicken wire. All males, I think bobwhite. One had blood on his back leg. I removed him. He died overnight . Another day, another bloody leg. Foot fine, knee and thigh not. This has...
  15. Liv's chickens

    PLEASE READ! Guinea keet with strange growth and is dying

    Hello, I Have a have a Guinea keet that I got almost a week ago and has had constant pasty butt and also has a strange “growth” like thing near its vent. I soak and clean the keet up many times a day and it has seemed healthy but today it definitely looks weaker and I really don’t know what this...
  16. 2

    My Duck is Dying Please Help, He won't move, lying on ground and is panting hard with mouth open

    The title says it all, please I need help. What should I do? Its been three weeks and he hasn't grown a bit and is now lying on the ground not moving
  17. L

    Yawning sick chicken!! Help please!

    My chicken has been doing this yawning type motion very very regularly for around (every few minutes and then usually shakes her head directly after the “yawn”. Nobody else is yawning in the flock, but one other bird has a runny nose. She has been normal until recently she started to become...
  18. HuskerHens18

    Are Hens More Likely To Die From Heat?

    This has been going on since May. For nearly two months my chickens have been dropping like flies. At first it was coccidia, but the deaths I always saw coming. Chickens were weak, super thin, and died within hours of these symptoms. But somewhere in that turmoil, something else began killing...
  19. dayers1109

    Chicks dying at time of hatching.

    I have a broody hen that did a really nice job hatching out and raising a few chicks early last fall. This spring she was sitting on a few eggs then left and started sitting on eggs on another nest. The eggs she abandoned had partially developed dead chicks when we opened them. Today she of...
  20. dayers1109

    Chicks dying at time of hatching.

    I have a broody hen that did a really nice job hatching out and raising a few chicks early last fall. This spring she was sitting on a few eggs then left and started sitting on eggs on another nest. The eggs she abandoned had partially developed dead chicks when we opened them. Today she of...
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