
  1. R

    Help! 4&5 week old chicks dying!

    Hi all, I currently have 5 week old SLW pullets and a few 4 week old Easter Eggers I got from TSC. 4 days ago now, I had two rapidly die around the same time as each other but all others (12 were left) were fine. No bloody stool, but did notice they were all maybe a little more lethargic...
  2. eguiney

    Help! Chicken spinning head, flying into things, etc

    All - my chicken has been acting off for two days - running in circles, freaking out at nothing, twirling her head in an odd way, flying into things...I’m concerned she’s dying. I can’t post a video for some reason but she’ll stand and roll her head back and then duck and tuck it down and...
  3. Diveks

    Possible cause of seizures and death?

    my 5 year old polish hen was doing well this morning but suddenly at 12 she had a seizure and died soon after. i am not sure what might have caused this. i had one other hen with her which i guess needs a friend now. I am devastated since i hand raised these two chicks and they had been through...
  4. Missy020219

    Dying Hen

    I have a Barred Rock hen that has been doing pretty bad for the last week. I thought she would get better on her own, but I think she just getting worse. She has diarrhea, is extremely skinny and just sits there all puffed up. I don’t know what to do to help her. I’ve separate her now, since the...
  5. Phillisy

    Silkies 8-12 months old Dying Unexpectedly

    I recently just lost one of my roosters; he was completely fine last night (following me around, eating, drinking, pooping, etc), and this morning, dead. The thing is, this is my 4th Silkie to pass in the last 2 months. Aside from one, all of them have been completely fine the night before (I’m...
  6. flamingmenudo

    2-3 week old chicks dying

    Hello all, We recently bought two, 2 week old Plymouth Blue chicks from a hatchery. Brought them home, they both seemed fine, then the following morning, once came out from under the heating appliance and died. The surviving chick, other than being super vocal about being alone, seemed...
  7. MixedFlock23

    Failure to thrive in my new chicks. Please help.

    Please help. My two week old chicks are failing to thrive. I can feel their ribs and keel bones. They are up and eating normally. I had a fecal test that showed cocci and this is day three on corid. The 9 hatchery chicks arrrived 8/12. One arrived unable to stand without stumbling backwards. It...
  8. Murphy_the_Hooligan

    Button quail chicks violently dying

    WARNING!! THIS POST INCLUDES PHOTO AND VIDEOS OF ONE OF MY BUTTON QUAIL CHICKS DYING TRAGICALLY. NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART! These babies were hatched on Friday June 26. They are 4 days old. When I went to check on them this afternoon, I found the mother sitting on all 4 of the babies...
  9. 1234chicken4321

    Chicks dying, help!!!

    I have five chicks hatched by mums outside. I saw two looking like they couldn't breathe properly and has since worsened and they just sit gasping with its eyes shut. I've brought them in. But now all the other chicks are showing early symptoms. What can I do? I know chicks don't just recover. I...
  10. 1234chicken4321

    5 chicks dying, help!?!!!

    I have five chicks hatched by mums outside. I saw one looking like it couldn't breathe properly and has since worsened and it just sits gasping with its eyes shut. I've brought it in. But now all the other chicks are showing early symptoms. What can I do? I know chicks don't just recover. Help...
  11. B

    My 3 week old chick is going crazy. Help!

    I got 3 barred rock chicks a little under 3 weeks ago. Their behavior has been normal until about an hour ago. We took them out of the brooder temporarily for about 20 minutes to change their bedding, and put them in a smaller box. They started aggressively trying to fly out after about 10...
  12. Sweetchild_Leah

    Old Chicken... Coming Close to That Time;(

    4/2/20 Hope y'all are having a wonderful day, thank you for popping in to read my post. Hopefully you can help. One of our lovely Black Australorps from our first generation, about 6 years old, has a matter of days it appears. It started two days ago when I approached herr standing with her...
  13. Beacon Point Ratite Ranch

    Sick Pullet! Please help!

    Hey guys. I have a sick pullet I need advice on. We just put her and the other pullets out with the main flock for the first time 2 days ago. The others all seem fine, but Goliath (named because she was roughly twice the size of a normal chick at hatch) is really sick. She has a high fever (just...
  14. rascal66

    Chicks are dying, don't know why

    I have about 50 chicks in the barn that I'm raising for meat, there are various breeds, like Brahma and RIRs. (Frypan special). They are roughly a month old now. In the past 3 days, 3 of my Brahma chicks have died on me.1 right now is hunched over, very weak and I'm sure she's going to die in...
  15. squishy_thecaliforiawhite

    Help, please

    My 6-7 year old California White hen is not ok, I think she has been losing her sight or something along that but now she won’t get up! She always lets me pet her but she won’t move or react to treats or anything. It has been quite cold outside lately but I don’t know what to do for her, if she...
  16. T

    Chicks Dying- Need advice

    Hello, My husband and I are first time chicken owners. We were told it should be super easy to raise chicks and we’d have minimal problems. We first bought 6 from a local farm store that the girl working picked out and within the first night one died. Then from then on we had a chick die every...
  17. FrostyWind

    My baby chick has pasty butt and is getting weaker?

    For 2 days now my baby chick butt has been sticking and fulling with poop. No matter how many times I've cleaned it off, it keeps coming back and the chick is getting weaker? What can I do? Is it already too late for the chick to survive? I've cleaned it just now and he's sitting and closing...
  18. L

    Overweight Dying Chick, HELP

    I have a 4 day old chick. They are over weight. Is there any way to help him/her become healthy. They are lethargic and I am very worried.
  19. L


    Hi, I'm new to raising chicks. I have a 5 day old chick. She/he (not sure which yet) is standing up, eyes closed, and chirping. I've given her/him some normal and electro light water and she/he has been eating. She/he hasn't pooped in couple of hours. She/he used to be with two other chicks but...
  20. PeepSake

    Sick Chickens from an Auction

    Last year I raised up some barred rocks, americaunas and cuckoo marans. A mink took 5 of them over the winter so I went to a bird auction on May 4th and brought home Six Sapphire Gems and 3 Buff Orpingtons. The only information I got with them was that they are Spring 2019 hatch and from the...
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