
  1. A

    My chicken is... having a seizure? Unsure, VERY URGENT

    So to start off with, the chicken in question in question is a 4 year old Americuana, slightly underweight, she's been separated from the rest of the flock for a while so we could treat a torn ligament that had prevented her from walking and abscess on the bottom of her foot. She got better...
  2. W

    Several chickens died at once, white liquid coming out of mouth! Help!

    Approximately 3 month old cochin bantam chickens bought as day old chicks at TSC 4 total have all died within hours of each other There were no signs of lethargy or illness. 2 of my other birds are now appearing "slow" and don't seem to move as fast as normal. There are no signs of trauma...
  3. W

    Please help!! Chickens dying...

    I really need some help. One of my cochin bantams died yesterday suddenly. I noticed no signs of lethargy, eating well, drinking well, and was top of her pecking order. White liquid came out of her mouth. I thought it may be ascites. However, today, 3 more cochin bantams passed today and I...
  4. iwuvapplesauce


    I ordered twenty six chicks of various breeds off of McMurray Hatchery's website sometime after Christmas. They arrived yesterday and minutes after being placed under the heat lamp I noticed several problems with the White-Crested Polish. One of them died after ten or twenty minutes of being in...
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