egg hatching

  1. Bethend

    When to call it quits? Hatching problems

    I'm fretting over this egg, which has been slowly splitting open over the last two days. I don't know were to call this one dead or wait and see. The eggs would be hatching now or any day now, and while there' no progress there's also no sign of anything that would overtly signal death, like a...
  2. M

    2 broody quails sitting together

    Both of my female quails are sitting on their eggs right next to each other, like the 2 egg clutches are pretty much in the same best I was just wondering if I can move then both into the same cage or would this start fights and maybe even cause the chick's to be killed once they hatch?
  3. Sinfulleyes

    WAAAY late hatching egg

    hello all, So I’ve had several good hatches and my most recent resulted in 15 chicks out of 21 eggs. Some eggs I thought were further along then they were hatched late almost two weeks ago. My problem is there is one last egg that’s been in the incubator for at least 25 days, probably closer to...
  4. AlderCreekFarms

    Awesome Auto Incubators under $250?

    So, I guess I have too much time on my hands while my first quail eggs are incubating, but I've been thinking... Wondering what kinds of (storebought) incubators people use for quail...I'm not savvy enough to make my own yet....and your success rates, and if you had it to do over again would you...
  5. G

    What to do after duckling hatches

    My first duckling is on its way! He is already breaking through and making lots of noise. I just have a few questions. What do I do after he hatches? Let him be? For how long? Does he need food or water? I’m new so please explain everything I need to know and do from the time they start to hatch
  6. G

    Duck Egg Starting To hatch

    Hello! It’s been about 30 days since I put this eeg and the incubator and now it is cracked open and we heard some chirping. Now the chirping has stopped and he has stopped trying to break through. It’s been cracked open for about 10 minutes. Should I help him? This is my first time so please...
  7. BabySweetsTurkeys

    Blood ring day 6?

    Can someone tell me if this is a blood ring or not? It’s still early so it’s hard to tell.
  8. Kaitlyn18

    Emu Egg Help

    PLEASE ONLY EXPERIENCED EMU HATCHERS ONLY! Hello, I am on day 34 of the incubation process of an emu egg. My temperature is 96.5 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity stays around 50% but I added a bowl of water inside. I did weigh the egg but it is not digital so it is hard to get an exact weight...
  9. Vegan Mountain Mama

    Broody duck?

    I usually collect all my birds’ eggs everyday but today I was busy and forgot. When I went to put them to bed I was watching them and saw my duck Jemima (a 6 month old golden 300) nuzzle her clutch of eggs and nestle down onto them to keep them warm (so cute!!). I’ve never seen her or my other...
  10. A

    When to pull from Mama hen? - 4 hatched - 3 left

    Hello, This is my first Broody hen. She started sitting on her eggs while we were on vacation. So she started with 4 but ended up with 13 by the time we got home. I candled at around day 15 to remove all not developing (7 were viable, marked, and given back to Mama) but it appears to my...
  11. woodshen

    Will my RIR stay broody? Even after a failed Dutch?

    So I have a RIR who went broody well over a month ago. Her first batch of eggs she was setting failed. After 30 days I decided to make the hard decision to discard her eggs and I had hoped that she would mellow out (she's been the comedic relief on the farm lately with her crabby disposition and...
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